.NET on AWS Blog

Category: AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

Modernize ASP.NET Web Forms applications in-place using DotVVM

This post was co-authored by Alok Bhatnagar, Technical Account Manager, AWS, and Tomáš Herceg, founder of DotVVM, an open-source framework that simplifies creating line-of-business web applications for .NET developers.  Since the genesis of the .NET Framework, ASP.NET Web Forms has been a popular choice for building websites. Even to this day, there are thousands of […]

Easily Migrate .NET Web Apps to AWS with Elastic Beanstalk, Part 2

Introduction AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies migration to AWS. In Part 1, I covered Elastic Beanstalk’s value in migrating .NET web applications to AWS and different ways to deploy. Here in Part 2, I’ll give you a step-by-step walkthrough of deploying a .NET Framework application to Elastic Beanstalk from Visual Studio. Walkthrough: Deploy a .NET Framework […]

Add AI-powered coding assistance to Visual Studio with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Chris Christou, Craig Bossie, and Saurabh Ajmera contributed to this post. As of April 30th 2024, Amazon CodeWhisperer is now part of Amazon Q Developer. Introduction Amazon CodeWhisperer (CodeWhisperer) is an AI-powered developer productivity tool that generates code suggestions. CodeWhisperer integration with Visual Studio is now available in preview. The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio […]

Get started with .NET development on AWS

This post explains 3 important areas to set up in order to begin your journey with .NET development on AWS. First, create an AWS account and configure a developer user with an appropriate level of access. Second, install and configure command line tools. Lastly, download and configure the toolkit for your IDE. Many of the […]