AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog
Tag: Data-Driven Culture
What’s top of mind for Chief Data Officers going into 2024?
One year ago we published our first research report on the role of Chief Data Officers (CDOs). The renowned Tom Davenport, in partnership with MIT Chief Data Officer and Information Quality Symposium (CDOIQ), was commissioned to conduct a global study of CDOs across industries, tenures, and stages of the data journey. At the time I […]
What Are Three Things You Need to Do to Foster a Data-Driven Culture?
According to the worldwide bestseller Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, people make decisions either intuitively or logically. Intuition leads to fast decisions; rational thinking leads to slow decisions. In organizations, it’s the other way around. Intuition leads to long decision-making processes; data- and fact-driven decisions lead to shorter processes. In […]
Is Your Data Foundation Solid, Future-Proof, and Value-Added?
Organizations need a powerful infrastructure to realize the full value of their data. The purpose of this infrastructure is to organize data, ensure its quality, manage metadata and create a central catalog where the organization’s data can be queried. This infrastructure, called the data foundation, enables organizations to have clean, organized, and easily accessible data […]
Transformation and AI
We’ve all been busily transforming for the last few years. Now there’s this big AI thing. How does it relate to the rest of our transformation? Should we be changing or rethinking our transformation plans? The easy answer is no, but there are some subtleties. We transform to increase our agility in the face of […]
Prioritising Business Value Creation from Data
With data at the centre of every application, process, and business decision, nearly every organisation I talk to describes a quest to become more data-driven to discover and act on insights rapidly. They know there is gold to be found within the troves of their data, but—frustratingly—it usually doesn’t materialise in a timely way for […]
Powering transformations with real-time data
Powering transformations with real-time data How much of your company’s resources are spent searching for answers to day-to-day operational issues and writing reports, looking inwards rather than focusing on your customers’ needs? While technology has dramatically changed our world in many ways, the way organizations work has not always kept pace. This was illustrated in […]
The CDO: Chief Disappearing Officer
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” —John Quincy Adams I have been privileged to meet executives from every sector, many with the newer title of “CDO.” The “D” usually stands for Digital or Data. Here’s my observation from seeing great CDOs in […]
How to Build Data Capabilities
“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp posts—for support rather than for illumination.” —Andrew Lang When it comes to the data, it is culture first and capability second. In my previous post, I talked about how executives can create a data-driven culture in their enterprises. In this post, I am going to dive […]
How to Create a Data-Driven Culture
“If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.” ― Jim Barksdale Conversations about data-driven enterprises often focus on tools, big data, and the technological advancements that have made storing, processing, and analyzing data faster and cheaper. While these are all important, creating a data-driven culture […]