AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Data Strategy

Real time data

Powering transformations with real-time data

Powering transformations with real-time data How much of your company’s resources are spent searching for answers to day-to-day operational issues and writing reports, looking inwards rather than focusing on your customers’ needs? While technology has dramatically changed our world in many ways, the way organizations work has not always kept pace. This was illustrated in […]

Enterprise Strategy Blog 2021: Year-End Roundup

Overview Throughout the year, we write blog posts on whatever topics seem to be most important to the AWS customer executives we speak to. Each of us on the Enterprise Strategy team holds 100-200 customer meetings a year, generally at the most senior executive levels, to try to help with their challenges in digital transformation—cultural […]

Making Artificial Intelligence Real

“We need to be an AI-enabled company.” Replace the “AI” with any technology from history and this comment becomes a common refrain across businesses lured by the promises of new technology and fuelled by FOMO (a fear of missing out). As enterprise strategists and former CXOs who have lived through many “technology is the solution, […]