AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog
Tag: DevOps
Decisions at the Margins
The annual budgeting process leads us to make decisions based on total costs. We assign a budget to a cost category, then spend the year managing to that cost. Our investment management process similarly leads us to think in terms of total costs. We plan against a set of requirements, estimate the total cost, figure […]
CFO Series: An Executive View of Lean and Agile IT
Over the last two decades, the IT profession has developed new ways of working that are intended to deliver better business value more quickly and at lower risk. Or as Jonathan Smart of Barclay’s likes to say, “Better, Faster, Safer, Happier.”[1] There are buzzwords associated with these techniques, of course, as with everything in IT—in this […]
The Critical Missing Piece of DevOps…And How to Find It
We’ve probably all heard the DevOps principle “you build it, you run it.” In theory, DevOps makes each team responsible for both the development and operation of its code, giving DevOps teams complete responsibility — and complete visibility and transparency — for the entire value stream, including not just coding, testing, securing, and complying, but even the business results […]
Transitioning to DevOps and the Cloud
“Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence — only in constant improvement and constant change.” -Tom Peters Last year I wrote a mini-series around DevOps in the Enterprise. This continues to be a frequent topic of discussion in my conversations with CIOs, which is why I am honored to host a guest post from AWS’ Scott Wiltamuth on the […]
Enterprise DevOps: What to Expect When You’re DevOps’ing
© Andrew Hurley “You cannot create experience, you must undergo it” -Albert Camus I’m wrapping up my DevOps in the Enterprise series with a piece on what to expect once your organization has some DevOps experience. These are just a few of the things I’ve experienced or seen in organizations that embrace automation, customer-service-oriented IT, […]
Enterprise DevOps: Why You Should Run What You Build
“You build it, you run it” -Werner Vogels It’s an all-too-common scenario: You’re spending time with your family and your phone suddenly steals your attention away. The dreaded airhorn alerts you to a SEV1 failure. Your application — one that periodically suffers from a memory leak that operations “fixed” by restarting it — is now exhausting server resources within minutes […]
Considering DevOps in Your Enterprise?
“Development is an endurance exercise with incremental improvements” -Sri Mulyani Indrawati DevOps is a relatively new term for a concept I believe has been around a long time. At this point, it’s widely accepted as a cultural way of being in some organizations, a confluence of formerly siloed teams that together can produce faster, more […]