AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Digital Transformation

Does Your People Strategy Match Your Transformation Objectives?

Why do so many corporate innovation programs fail? The answer is as complex as the organizational landscape itself. While some might point to heavyhanded governance models, siloed teams, the demanding regulatory environment, and bureaucratic decision-making as the main culprits, one area often goes unexamined: talent strategy. Your people processes are either supporting innovation or undermining […]

Untangling Your Organisational Hairball: A Framework

You show me a successful complex system, and I will show you a system that has evolved through trial and error. —Tim Harford, Economist Read any contemporary article on organisations and within the first few sentences the word, “agile” appears at least once. Some articles suggest achieving agility with a new target operating model (TOM), […]

Team Building for finite project

Designing a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCOE)

Many companies have found that a cloud center of excellence (CCOE) can accelerate their migrations to the cloud and broader digital transformations. These CCOEs take many forms, which is appropriate because each company has unique challenges to overcome. Nevertheless there are certain patterns and antipatterns for using a CCOE. In this blog post, I’ll try […]

Everyone is Busy: Who Has Time to Transform?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A company wants to transform to meet the future. The transformation is necessary; without it, they will be threatened by disruptive competitors or unable to serve their customers. But they can’t get started on the transformation because their employees are busy with their day-to-day jobs. Transforming requires effort. […]

Feature preview

How to Set Up a Platform That Effectively Supports Your Development Teams

Many of my conversations with AWS customers are about their attempts to build developer experience platforms that simplify software development and operations, automate deployments, improve software quality, reduce costs, and ensure security and compliance. Unfortunately, not all platforms live up to their expectations. The most frequently cited problem is development teams rejecting the platform that […]


Proven Practices for Developing a Multicloud Strategy

As an Enterprise Strategist, I find multicloud topics come up in many discussions rife with confusion, false certainty, and tentativeness. Companies are bombarded with conflicting messaging telling them either to never adopt a multicloud approach or to not miss out because “everyone is switching to multicloud.” There are good reasons for either pursuing or avoiding […]

Data foundations for AI

Transformation and AI

We’ve all been busily transforming for the last few years. Now there’s this big AI thing. How does it relate to the rest of our transformation? Should we be changing or rethinking our transformation plans? The easy answer is no, but there are some subtleties. We transform to increase our agility in the face of […]

Context view

Measuring Success: A Paradox and a Plan

You’ve taken your company in a new direction; the impact is a 10% growth in year-on-year revenue. Your new marketing program has increased leads by 5%. Your telecom costs have decreased by 5% because of your successful negotiations. Measuring results is an important part of our business lives. But measurements are meaningless without context, and […]