Category: Containers

Job queue snapshots: see what’s at the head of your queues in AWS Batch

Job queue snapshots: see what’s at the head of your queues in AWS Batch

AWS Batch just grew a neat new feature: Job queue snapshots. This gives you the visibility you need for managing throughput in a dynamic environment – with competing priorities – and across multiple queues and workloads. Today we give you the inside scoop on how this feature works – especially when you’re using fair share scheduling.

Accelerating green-urban planning simulations with AWS Batch

Accelerating green-urban planning simulations with AWS Batch

In this blog post, we’ll explore how Green Urban Scenarios simulator (GUS) helps urban planners explore the impact of green infrastructure on the urban environment using digital twins and simulations scaled using AWS Batch.

Massively-scaling quantum chemistry to support a circular economy

Massively-scaling quantum chemistry to support a circular economy

As a part of AWS’s “Digital Technologies for a Circular Economy” initiative, we joined forces with Accenture, Intel and Good Chemistry to massively scale quantum chemistry simulations. This is the first and most complex step to discovering new pathways for PFAS destruction for a cleaner world.