AWS for Industries

Category: Analytics

6 Strategies to Revolutionize Your Approach to Physical Retail in 2024

6 Strategies to Revolutionize Your Approach to Physical Retail in 2024

Today’s retailers not only need to embrace the profound digital transformations happening in the industry, but also deliver real value for their consumers and their organizations. With the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and other innovations, 2024 marks a pivotal moment for the industry—and physical stores are ripe for disruption. Forrester notes that “retailers […]

Improving Patient Experience with Digital Front Door

Improving Patient Experience with Digital Front Door

In this blog, we demonstrate the capabilities of the digital front door using AWS services. The reader will understand the approach used to store a plan benefits document, create embeddings, process the user questions, and deliver an interactive chatbot. By demystifying policy details, healthcare payors can create a member experience that works better for everyone. […]

AWS Entity Resolution for Health Data

AWS Entity Resolution for Health Data

Introduction This post shows how AWS Entity Resolution can tackle the challenge of linking and matching records in healthcare and provides a walkthrough of how-to setup a patient 360 view with a continuous entity resolution workflow. It also explains how AWS HealthLake can help healthcare customers securely store, transform, and manage their data. By the end […]

AJE Group Spurs Digital Transformation Using AWS Solutions

AJE Group Spurs Digital Transformation Using AWS Solutions

In an ever-evolving world, how does a multinational consumer packaged goods (CPG) company with operations in more than 20 countries around the globe stay on the cutting edge of innovation? That was the challenge facing Peruvian CPG multinational AJE Group (AJE), one of the largest beverage companies in the world., when it decided to embark […]

Sustainable Fitch builds new ESG rating platform using AWS

Sustainable Fitch builds new ESG rating platform using AWS

There is a growing interest around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings and insights in the marketplace. This interest has created new opportunities for information and products that provide clarity about the ESG footprint of a variety of entities, from companies to investments, among others. This blog will enable organizations to better understand how Sustainable […]

AWS Travel and Hospitality Competency Partners you should know: SequenceShift

AWS Travel and Hospitality Competency Partners you should know: SequenceShift

SequenceShift recently became the forty-seventh  Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Travel and Hospitality Competency Partner. I had the opportunity to interview Dmitri Muntean, Managing Director at SequenceShift, and Brad Fischer, Director of Partnerships at SequenceShift, to learn more about the company and their collaboration with AWS. 1. Congratulations on achieving Travel and Hospitality Competency Partner […]

Scientific Data Management on AWS with Open Source Quilt Data Packages

Scientific Data Management on AWS with Open Source Quilt Data Packages

End-to-end scientific data management on the cloud is an area of increasing interest, as life sciences companies aim to increase the utility of their data. Research, development, and manufacturing teams need a holistic set of controls for the scientific data lifecycle. These controls include data integrity, metadata tracking, lineage, permissions, and security, while simultaneously allowing […]

How Annalect Super-Charged Cross-Company Collaboration with Data Mesh

How Annalect Super-Charged Cross-Company Collaboration with Data Mesh

Generative AI, large language models (LLMs), and an ever-increasing emphasis on the value of data, has enterprises worldwide scrambling to optimize their data architecture and assets. This is in anticipation of a never-before-seen demand. Many organizations have solely focused on pulling all their data assets into one place with little consideration of the support required […]

How Datalex enhances developer experience using Amazon Bedrock

How Datalex enhances developer experience using Amazon Bedrock

Datalex, a leading provider of omni channel airline retail solutions, has worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as both a customer and an AWS Travel and Hospitality Competency Partner. As the Datalex team learned more about the transformative benefits of generative artificial intelligence (AI), they began investigating how to use Amazon Bedrock to enhance the […]

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

How to build serverless entity resolution workflows on AWS

Consumers expect companies to engage with them in a highly relevant and personalized way regardless of channel. In a study done by Twilio, 60 percent of consumers say that they will make a repeat purchase after a personalized experience. A study from McKinsey & Company indicates that more than 70 percent of consumers expect a […]