AWS for Industries

Category: AWS Shield

How Yaala Labs Built a Cloud Native Exchange Platform on AWS

How Yaala Labs Built a Cloud Native Exchange Platform on AWS

In this blog we discuss why Yaala Labs built their matching engine solution, P8, on AWS and explore the architectural decisions they made to achieve their performance and business objectives. We also share some of the benefits that Yaala Labs and their customers gained by running on AWS. Who is Yaala Labs Yaala Labs was […]

How to Network Your Smart Store to AWS_feature card

How to Network Your Smart Store to AWS

The emergence of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Smart Store solutions has opened up a new world of possibilities for retailers. In order to take full advantage of these solutions, retailers need to optimize their network infrastructure. As retailers increasingly digitize their operations and move more services to the cloud, security and network infrastructure become major […]

Close Up Of Woman Shopping For Clothes Online Using Mobile Phone App

How to Build a Microservices Architecture for Retail with Infosys Equinox

Ecommerce is Becoming Ever More Important According to this Forbes article from April 2021, global ecommerce sales were expected to reach $4.2 trillion, and “surveys of consumers in the United Kingdom, Japan, and the United States showed online shopping is becoming the preferred method of grocery shopping for a growing number of consumers.” While that […]


What’s New in Retail from re:Invent 2021

It’s been two years since AWS hosted an in person re:Invent conference. Although everyone had masks on, the excitement was palpable. I had a great time meeting with customers in a face-to-face setting again with dinners and parties. It was really fun. And with so much news coming out of the event, I’m sure it […]