AWS for Industries

Tag: Clean energy accelerator program

Innovating for impact: Generative AI promises increased acceleration of the energy transition

Innovating for impact: Generative AI promises increased acceleration of the energy transition

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced the launch and call for applications for the Clean Energy Accelerator | Generative AI Edition In the face of mounting evidence that the world is significantly behind on its climate goals, the call for rapid, innovative solutions in clean energy has never been louder. The Global Stocktake at COP28 […]

Reinventing Energy with the AWS Clean Energy Accelerator 2.0

Amazon’s innovation and resources made available to leading start-ups changing the world. If there had been any doubt in the past, developments over the last couple of years have demonstrated how clean energy has become critical from both a policy and innovation lens. The global climate crisis requires significant innovations in clean energy deployed at […]