Integration & Automation

Category: Amazon EventBridge

Optimize AWS event and log collection using common design patterns

Learn about some common approaches for collecting data from multiple AWS services across your organization, including common patterns with code samples that you can reuse to consume the data.

Save time with automated security checks of your Terraform scripts

Learn how to integrate Checkov into CodePipeline with fully automated pre-deployment compliance checks of your Terraform scripts, including built-in notifications. Our solution provides an end-to-end, automated CI/CD pipeline that allows you to stay compliant with AWS best-practices with minimal operational overhead.

Manage permission sets and account assignments in AWS IAM Identity Center with a CI/CD pipeline

Have you created permission sets and assigned them to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) groups in AWS Organizations? Have you used existing corporate identities with AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to grant Active Directory groups access to AWS accounts and applications? Save time and minimize errors by managing permission sets automatically with a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline built with AWS developer tools.

Automate sports data polling with AWS Step Functions

AWS collaborated with the Pacific Science Center (PacSci) in Seattle to build a customized light display in the iconic arches of PacSci’s Seattle Center campus. This post will show you how to deploy the PacSci automated sports data polling system for your use.

Reduce log-storage costs by automating retention settings in Amazon CloudWatch

Learn how to reduce log-storage costs by automating retention settings in Amazon CloudWatch. By default, CloudWatch Logs stores log data indefinitely, which is helpful. But as AWS workload logging grows, so do your log-storage costs. To reduce costs, establish a log-retention policy and apply it across all your log groups, ideally automatically.