The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Manufacturing

Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution (part 2)

In this two-part blog post, we propose an AWS IoT AI/ML solution to help our industrial customers for efficiently monitoring industrial assets in a scalable manner. Part 1 of the blog shows: How to create an asset simulator with AWS IoT SiteWise; How to create data pipeline to integrate Amazon Lookout for Equipment with AWS […]

Strengthening Operational Insights for Industrial Assets with AWS IoT AIML Solution (part 1)

Customers that manage and maintain industrial assets strive to keep them functioning as efficiently as possible, which they can do by monitoring and analyzing the health of their assets. Plant operators measure efficiency with key performance indicators (KPIs) like overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) or mean time before failure (MTBF) and act to improve these metrics […]

How to implement zero trust IoT solutions with AWS IoT

Introduction Zero trust is often misunderstood. It’s not a product but a security model and associated set of architectural principles and patterns. One of the main challenges customers face is determining how zero-trust principles can be applied to Internet of Things (IoT) and how to get started with incorporating zero trust with Amazon Web Services […]

Overview of welding station in application

Improving Product Quality with Cognizant APEx 2.0 and AWS IoT SiteWise Edge

Introduction Conditions created by COVID-19 stressed supply chains around the world, while exponentially increasing demand for certain products such as personal protective equipment (PPE) overnight. As a result, manufacturers globally are seeking creative solutions to boost their production output. Often, the fastest way to boost output is not by adding additional capacity, but by reducing […]

Secondary sensing and actuation for factories using AWS IoT and CloudRail Gateways

Post also contributed by Felix Kollmar, Co-Founder and CEO of CloudRail. Introduction Smart Manufacturing applications such as condition monitoring, predictive analytics, and predictive quality require real-time, granular, rich, and easily accessible process data. Manufacturing uses a hierarchical structure of systems, commonly referred to as the ISA-95 automation pyramid. The two lower layers of the pyramid […]

Volkswagen opens the Industrial Cloud community

Interview with Nihar Patel and Sarah Cooper Together with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and integration partner Siemens, Volkswagen is opening up the Industrial Cloud to other companies from the engineering and technology sectors. In an interview, leading managers Nihar Patel (Executive Vice President New Business Development at Volkswagen AG.) and Sarah Cooper (General Manager of […]

Connecting disparate industrial systems to AWS using Ignition Edge

Connecting disparate industrial systems to AWS using Ignition Edge

Enabling operational data connectivity to AWS IoT Greengrass seamlessly extends AWS to the edge to provide tools to act locally on the OT data, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage. With AWS IoT Greengrass and the Cirrus Link MQTT Transmission module on the Ignition platform from Inductive Automation, industrial data […]

AWS IoT for Industrial Solutions

Industrial IoT – From Condition Based Monitoring to Predictive Quality to digitize your factory with AWS IoT Services

Industrial IoT (IIoT) bridges the gap between industrial equipment and automation networks (usually called OT, Operations Technology) and Information Technology (IT). In IT, use of new technologies such as machine learning, cloud, mobile, and edge computing are becoming commonplace. IIoT brings machines, cloud computing, analytics, and people together to improve performance, productivity, and efficiency of […]

AWS IoT Events for asset maintenance

Asset Maintenance with AWS IoT services – Predict and respond to potential failures before they impact your business

AWS IoT customers manage a large number of industrial assets which send sensor data to the cloud. The smooth operation of these assets is critical to the productivity of their plants, since any equipment breakdown can lead to unexpected downtime and require expensive recovery maintenance. The ability to predict such failures and respond to them […]