The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: AWS IoT Greengrass

How MTData built a CVML vehicle telematics and driver monitoring solution with AWS IoT

Introduction Building an IoT device for an edge Computer Vision and Machine Learning (CVML) solution can be a challenging undertaking. You need to compose your device software, ingest video and images, train your models, deploy them to the edge, and manage your device fleet remotely. This all needs to be performed at scale, and often […]

How to implement Zero Trust IoT solutions with AWS IoT

“Zero Trust” is an often-misunderstood term, it is not a product but a security model and associated set of architectural principles and patterns. One of the main challenges customers face is determining how Zero Trust principles can be applied to IoT and how to get started with incorporating Zero Trust principles using AWS IoT. In […]

Embedded World 2024: Accelerate innovation from edge to cloud with AWS

Although mostly invisible, embedded systems are ubiquitous in our everyday lives, powering applications, such as smart home automation or industrial control systems. At the upcoming Embedded World 2024 trade fair, Amazon Web Services (AWS) will showcase its latest innovations and solutions in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), tailored towards the embedded industry. Join us […]

Device onboarding to AWS IoT using Virtual Private Cloud endpoints

Introduction If you operate secure private networks—such as an assembly line’s operational technology (OT) network at a factory or government agency­—and intend to connect your devices to AWS, then you need to use X.509 client certificates for authenticating requests to AWS services—all while staying within the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). In this post, we will demonstrate how […]

Securely sending industrial data to AWS IoT services using unidirectional gateways

Introduction Critical infrastructure customers are challenged to make industrial networks more accessible without significantly increasing cybersecurity risks. This is due in part to the common practice of using Industrial IoT (IIoT) and cloud technologies to analyze large volumes of industrial data to improve operational efficiencies. To be successful, this practice requires a balance between advancing […]

Common architecture patterns to securely connect IoT devices to AWS using private networks

Introduction Increasingly, business leaders are adopting Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to drive revenue growth, streamline operations, and reduce costs. Managing security and safety considerations while connecting your assets to the cloud, whether they’re industrial machines or autonomous vehicles, can be challenging. In the Ten security golden rules for Industrial IoT (IIoT) Solutions, AWS recommends establishing secure […]

Accelerate Industry 4.0 Adoption using Containerized Gateway Services

As part of the Manufacturing sector’s digitization process, Industry 4.0 automation drives real-time, data acquisition from industrial equipment on the plant floor. This data and immediate feedback have become a mission-critical requirement. In addition, recent supply chain disruptions have increased the lead time to procure edge hardware resulting in several months delays to modernization projects. […]

AWS IoT SiteWise adds support for 10 new industrial protocols with Domatica EasyEdge integration

Introduction Today, we announced the general availability of extended industrial protocol support for  AWS IoT SiteWise – a managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale to help you make data-driven decisions. AWS IoT SiteWise Edge, a feature of AWS IoT SiteWise, extends the cloud […]

Ten security golden rules for connected mobility solutions

Introduction Connected mobility solutions are driving changes in the automotive industry. With remote commands, sensors, cameras, artificial intelligence, and 5G mobile networks, vehicles have become increasingly smart and connected. While connected mobility solutions deliver significant customer value, they also introduce new risks to security, safety, and privacy that must be properly managed. Automakers need to […]

Improving Sustainability in Manufacturing with Digital Twins

Introduction Sustainability has become a cornerstone in the manufacturing industry. As stakeholders increasingly prioritize sustainability, the sector is turning to technological innovations to meet these demands. Among these technological advancements, the concept of Digital Twins stands out as particularly transformative for the manufacturing industry aiming for sustainability. Though manufacturing encompasses a wide range of topics, […]