The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Industrial Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) guide with AWS IoT SiteWise

Introduction Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is the standard for measuring manufacturing productivity. It encompasses three factors: quality, performance, and availability. Therefore, a score of 100% OEE would mean a manufacturing system is producing only good parts, as fast as possible and with no stop time; in other words, a perfectly utilized production line. OEE provides […]

Importing historical equipment data into AWS IoT SiteWise

Introduction AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that helps customers collect, store, organize and monitor data from their industrial equipment at scale. Customers often need to bring their historical equipment measurement data from existing systems such as data historians and time series databases into AWS IoT SiteWise for ensuring data continuity, training artificial intelligence […]

Optimize image classification on AWS IoT Greengrass using ONNX Runtime

Introduction Performing machine learning inference on edge devices using models trained in the cloud has become a popular use case in Internet of Things (IoT) as it brings the benefits of low latency, scalability, and cost savings. When deploying models to edge devices with limited compute and memory, developers have the challenge to manually tune […]

How to build smart applications using Protocol Buffers with AWS IoT Core

Introduction to Protocol Buffers Protocol Buffers, or Protobuf, provide a platform-neutral approach for serializing structured data. Protobuf is similar to JSON, except it is smaller, faster, and is capable of automatically generating bindings in your preferred programming language. AWS IoT Core is a managed service that lets you connect billions of IoT devices and route […]

How to get started with the new AWS IoT Core Device Location service

Introduction The new AWS IoT Core Device Location feature allows Internet of Things (IoT) devices to retrieve and report their current location without relying on Global Positioning System (GPS) hardware. Devices and clients connected to AWS IoT Core can now use cloud-assisted Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS), WiFi scan, cellular triangulation, and reverse IP lookup techniques […]

Introducing new MQTTv5 features for AWS IoT Core to help build flexible architecture patterns

Introduction We are excited to announce that AWS IoT Core now supports MQTTv5 features that help enhance communications of large-scale device deployments and innovate device messaging patterns. Customers who already have MQTTv3.1.1 deployments can make use of the new MQTTv5 features as AWS IoT Core provides seamless integration between both versions and supports heterogeneous deployments […]

Reduce building maintenance costs with AWS IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph

Introduction The shift from in office work to hybrid and fully remote work is causing revenue and valuation pressure on commercial building owners. As a result, building managers are exploring ways to optimize their expenses by reducing maintenance costs while still providing a premier tenant experience. Building managers are responsible for maintenance and providing a […]

Importing AWS IoT Device Defender audit and detect findings into Security Hub

Introduction In this post, you’ll learn how the integration of IoT security findings into AWS Security Hub works, and you can download AWS CloudFormation templates to implement the solution. After you deploy the solution, every AWS IoT Device Defender audit and detect finding will be recorded as a Security Hub finding. The findings within Security […]

Developing a Remote Job Monitoring Application at the edge using AWS IoT Greengrass (part 1)

Introduction Many modern industrial operations require extensive monitoring and real-time decision making for efficiency and safety reasons. To reduce the unexpected network interruption and delay in IoT data processing, edge computing becomes a desirable option for real-time IoT data processing and monitoring. Edge computing is a system of micro computing/storage devices that are installed at […]

Developing a Remote Job Monitoring Application at the edge using AWS IoT Greengrass (part 2)

Introduction In this second-series blog post, we will continue to showcase a user interface (UI) application at the edge with AWS IoT Greengrass V2, a jointly developed solution by AWS Partner, TensorIoT, and AWS Professional Services. This UI application at the edge contains multiple custom AWS IoT Greengrass V2 components to achieve flexible IoT data […]