The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Elastic Load Balancing

Building an IoT solution to securely transmit MQTT messages under private networks

To comply with different industrial regulations, private networks can help IoT service providers deploy a solution that offers critical data privacy and security encapsulation. This blog post discusses a use case from Internet of Things (IoT) service providers that use AWS services to enhance their private networks for MQTT message transmission and safeguard data transmission. […]

Architecture for Static IP Addresses for IoT Core Endpoint

Creating static IP addresses and custom domains for AWS IoT Core endpoints

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes services and solutions to monitor and control real world objects, such as industrial equipment, light switches, thermostats, sensors and actuators. AWS offers the AWS IoT Core service that allows such devices to connect to the AWS Cloud. The AWS IoT Message Broker is the central point to securely transmit […]