The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

How to build a scalable, multi-tenant IoT SaaS platform on AWS using a multi-account strategy

When you set out to build an IoT SaaS platform where your customer, not you, determines how their IoT devices interact with the services, you will quickly understand that no single cloud architecture can be optimized for all scenarios. This blog post introduces an implementation strategy for building multi-tenant IoT SaaS platforms based on real […]

2023 year in review: digital twins on AWS for agile and resilient operations

McKinsey research indicates that 70 percent of C-suite technology executives invest in digital twins to build more agile and resilient operations. They see benefits across multiple use cases ranging from remote control and monitoring, asset maintenance and interoperability, to system and production simulation. These use cases need the ability to bring together Operational Technology (OT) […]

Improving Sustainability in Manufacturing with Digital Twins

Introduction Sustainability has become a cornerstone in the manufacturing industry. As stakeholders increasingly prioritize sustainability, the sector is turning to technological innovations to meet these demands. Among these technological advancements, the concept of Digital Twins stands out as particularly transformative for the manufacturing industry aiming for sustainability. Though manufacturing encompasses a wide range of topics, […]

Monitor edge application performance using AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Monitor edge application performance using AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Introduction As edge computing continues to gain traction in various industries, organizations are often looking for ways to efficiently analyze, optimize, and troubleshoot edge applications for better performance and reliability. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to use AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry to implement tracing and observability methods that […]

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Navigating IoT Product Lifecycle Management with AWS IoT

Introduction As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an unavoidable part of our daily lives. IoT devices, ranging from smart thermostats in our homes to sophisticated sensors in industrial settings, are everywhere. However, the effective management of these devices throughout their lifecycle presents a significant challenge. AWS IoT services, […]

How to update changing certificate requirements with AWS IoT Core

NOTE: This post covers an important announcement related to renewal of Symantec Server Intermediate Certificate Authority (ICA) and an upcoming switch of AWS IoT Core – control plane endpoints and newly supported AWS IoT Core customer endpoints to TLS1.2 specification. Overview In this post, we discuss upcoming changes to Symantec Server Intermediate Certificate Authority (ICA) […]

Securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT

AWS is excited to announce new and updated architectural guidance and design patterns for securing modern Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT. You can find updated guidance for modernization in the complementary blog, Building and Modernizing Connected Vehicle Platforms with AWS IoT. Connected Vehicle platforms provide connectivity to cloud resources, enabling the automotive industry and […]

Building and Modernizing Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT

Introduction AWS is excited to announce new and updated architectural guidance and design patterns for modernizing and building Connected Vehicle platforms with AWS IoT. Today, automotive manufacturers (OEMs) are differentiating their portfolios, not just by the hardware and specs they offer, but also by the innovative, software-driven connectivity features they provide. With vehicle connectivity and […]

Automate application deployment to IoT devices using AWS IoT Device Management

Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) industry is trending towards devices that are compatible with the latest standards, interfaces, and protocols. To remain competitive, device manufacturers have to release new features, perform system updates, and deploy security patches in a timely manner. Software applications have long been using automated continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines […]

Announcing AWS IoT FleetWise object storage in Amazon S3

Introduction Today, we are excited to announce that AWS IoT FleetWise now supports object storage in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This new feature makes it easy and cost-effective for automotive customers to create and manage data pipelines from their vehicles. A customer can now select where vehicle data is persisted in the cloud depending […]