The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: AWS IoT

Setup and flow

How to get started with the new shared subscriptions in AWS IoT Core

Introduction The new shared subscriptions feature in AWS IoT Core brings the load balancing capability to multiple subscribing MQTT sessions or consumers. While non-shared subscription sends all the published messages to all its subscribers, shared subscription sends a published message to only one of its subscribers in a random manner. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Route messages across multiple accounts with AWS IoT Core and Amazon SQS

Introduction In this blog, we explain how to route AWS IoT Core messages from one or more ingestion accounts to Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) in a data account. It is a common pattern to have IoT telemetry ingested into one account and then require it to be shipped to another account for further […]

Identify misconfigured IoT policies using AWS IoT Device Defender

Introduction We are excited to announce a new AWS IoT Device Defender audit feature to identify potential misconfigurations when using wild cards in Internet of Things (IoT) policies. AWS IoT Device Defender is a fully managed IoT security service that enables you to audit and monitor your IoT device fleet and secure your IoT configurations […]

Schedule remote operations using AWS IoT Device Management Jobs

Introduction Once Internet of Things (IoT) devices are deployed in the field, on-site intervention can be challenging, expensive, and may not be feasible due to technical and logistical constraints. The ability to perform remote updates on your IoT device software is an important factor that improves your IoT application’s lifespan and operational resilience, provisions the […]

Enhancing IoT device security using Hardware Security Modules and AWS IoT Device SDK

Introduction Security of operations and security of data are among the top priorities of customers dealing with sensitive information or operating in highly regulated markets. Internet of Things (IoT) customers have the additional challenge of enabling high security standards for IoT communications to their cloud platforms. Data encryption with asymmetric algorithms and cryptographic keys are […]

Generating insights from vehicle data with AWS IoT FleetWise: Introduction

Generating insights from vehicle data with AWS IoT FleetWise: Introduction (Part 1)

This blog post is written by Senior IoT Specialist Solutions Architect Andrei Svirida. Automakers, fleet operators, and automotive suppliers are digitalizing their products and services, and vehicle data is fueling this digitalization in several ways. First, access to vehicle data allows evolutionary improvement of existing business processes. One example of this is faster detection of […]

Use AWS IoT Core MQTT broker with standard MQTT libraries

Introduction AWS IoT Core connects Internet of Things (IoT) devices to AWS IoT and other AWS services. Devices and clients can use the MQTT protocol to publish and subscribe to messages. MQTT libraries, such as the AWS IoT Device SDKs, include open-source libraries, developer guides with samples, and porting guides so that you can build innovative IoT […]

Training the Amazon SageMaker object detection model and running it on AWS IoT Greengrass – Part 3 of 3: Deploying to the edge

Training the Amazon SageMaker object detection model and running it on AWS IoT Greengrass – Part 3 of 3: Deploying to the edge

Post by Angela Wang and Tanner McRae, Senior Engineers on the AWS Solutions Architecture R&D and Innovation team This post is the third in a series on how to build and deploy a custom object detection model to the edge using Amazon SageMaker and AWS IoT Greengrass. In the previous 2 parts of the series, we walked […]

Your guide to find AWS IoT for Automotive at CES 2023

Overview The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2023 will take place Jan 5-8 in Las Vegas, USA. CES is one of the most influential global technology events, covering nearly every aspect of the technology sector. You can find Amazon Web Services (AWS) alongside Amazon Smart Vehicles in the “Amazon for Automotive” exhibit to check out the […]

Managing Docker container lifecycle with AWS IoT Greengrass

Introduction In this post, we will be discussing how to manage Docker container lifecycle using an AWS IoT Greengrass custom component. There are five phases in a Docker container lifecycle: create, run, pause/unpause, stop, and kill. The custom component interacts with the Docker Engine via the Docker SDK for Python to manage processes based on […]