AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Email Archiving with Mail Manager: Why To Archive In Transit vs At The Mailbox

When designing Amazon Simple Email Service’s (SES) Mail Manager, we often heard from customers about the “PST-file problem” inherent with user-side mailbox-based archiving. This occurs when, for a variety of reasons, end users decide to archive their emails to local PST files or other local storage. These PST files are fragile and easily corrupted. Furthermore, they are subject to the backup practices of individual workstations. Lastly, PST files are readily are portable and can be easily copied and moved outside the visibility of the email system and your IT and IP controls.

We developed Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Mail Manager archiving features in response to this problem, and based on additional customer feedback: the need for consistent email retention behaviors, for all email. Customers also wanted the flexibility to determine which messages to archive, where to put them, and how long to retain those messages.

To make the feature applicable to the widest set of use cases, we designed Mail Manager to be able to archive any email traversing the SES service, not just those that have already been delivered to a user’s mailbox. This added flexibility ensures organizations can maintain a complete record of exactly those email communications they wish to preserve. Rather than require external tools to search and export Mail Manager’s archives, we built these functions directly into the SES console.

In fact, the entire Media Manager archiving solution is fully managed by SES within the customer’s Mail Manager account, reducing the operational overhead traditionally associated with email archiving and compliance.

Figure 1 - Mail Manager Archiving

Figure 1 – Mail Manager Archiving

At the core of the SES Mail Manager archiving solution is the ability to capture and retain any message, regardless of its source or destination, as it flows through the service’s rules engine. This design approach ensures that every email message traversing Mail Manager can be subject to archiving and retention policies, rather than requiring organizations to manage different systems and tools for mail flowing through mail servers, internal relays and other email infrastructure. The result is a unified, comprehensive compliance solution that provides visibility and control over an organization’s email archiving.

SES also published a detailed overview of the Archiving feature, which is available here: Archiving and sending to final SMTP server.

Archiving on its own isn’t an innovation; it’s an email primitive – an essential capability that can be used to enable other, more complex solutions. Historically, retention of email was configured as a function of your on-premises mail server, where your mailboxes themselves were resident. Personally-authored emails were considered the high-value material to retain, and adding archiving as a function of mailbox configurations was the simplest approach.

In practice, we find that the mail captured at the mailbox server, or end user’s inbox, represents only a fraction of of the mail a typical enterprise generates. As organizations grow, the number of applications generating Application To Person (A2P) messages tends to increase dramatically. Similarly, as corporate environments become more complex, SaaS-based solutions that are external to the primary email infrastructure often use email to update employees along with workflow-management systems. Much of that mail eludes archiving as it bypasses individual user mailboxes.

The SES strategy for archiving is to capture mail from anywhere, to anywhere, as long as it transits an ingress endpoint as part of your Mail Manager configuration. You have two choices: you can write those messages directly to an S3 bucket you control, and then ingest it into any other tool you like. Alternately, you can send messages into a managed archive within Mail Manager, and gain access to search, export, and configurable retention features. By default, SES configures retention for 6 months, but it’s adjustable up to permanent retention for customers who require it.

Mail Manager’s archiving feature captures any message which matches your rule, or all messages traversing any ingress endpoint. You can choose to write all messages to or from your senior leadership team into one archive, or you can organize by other envelope metadata. The rules operate the same way whether the message is A2P or Person to Person (P2P), ensuring uniform policies and retention options.

With Mail Manager’s managed archives, you pay for each gigabyte ingested, indexed, and available for search, and a separate storage fee for each gigabyte retained every month. Note that the storage fee includes both the raw content of the messages, and the size of the computed index required for search and export functions.

For messages you write to your S3 buckets, you also have the option to invoke an S3 trigger action that calls an Amazon Lambda to drive various automatation workflows. Regulated industries might want to write all messages to S3 to leverage S3’s glacier storage option for very long-term storage.

You can even split your workload between Mail Manager’s managed archive, for emails you are likely to need readily discoverable, and the Write to S3 option, for content which you don’t expect to ever need to search with granularity, but still needs to be archived to “check the box” for your retention policy. In fact, AWS encourages such a builder-oriented approach, because it rewards thoughtful decisions and resource utilization, and conforms to the broad goal of consumption-based pricing, which Mail Manager embraces fully at every step.

Figure 2 - Rule Set with conditions for archiving

Figure 2 – Rule Set with conditions for archivingMail Manager provides a more comprehensive, resilient archiving approach that increases both the overall scope of mail that can be captured, and the fidelity of the archived data. You don’t need any special adapters or plugins to capture mail from any source. All email that comes through your Mail Manager Ingress Endpoint can be archived.

Figure 3 - Create archive

Figure 3 – Create archive

Why not try Mail Manager today and experience the benefits of a centralized, scalable email archiving solution? You’ll pay only for the data you ingest and retain each month, without the fragility and visibility issues of user-managed archives. Visit the SES website to start your free trial of Mail Manager and take control of your organization’s critical email records. To start with Mail Manager, visit, click on Mail Manager, and set up your first workload today.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us via the SES Forums or in the comments section of this blog post. We’re here to help you navigate the evolving email landscape and unlock the full potential of your Amazon SES investment.

About the Authors

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby is a Principal Product Manager for Amazon SES and WorkMail. He joined AWS in January 2021 and has significant experience in both business and consumer information security products and services. His focus on email solutions at SES is all about tackling a product that everyone uses and finding ways to bring innovation and improved performance to one of the most ubiquitous IT tools.

Brett Ezell

Brett Ezell

Brett is an Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. As a Navy veteran, he joined AWS in 2020 through an AWS technical military apprenticeship program. When he isn’t deep diving into solutions for customer challenges, Brett spends his time collecting vinyl, attending live music, and training at the gym. An admitted comic book nerd, he feeds his addiction every Wednesday by combing through his local shop for new books.



Zip is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, working with Amazon Pinpoint and Simple Email Service and WorkMail. Outside of work he enjoys time with his family, cooking, mountain biking, boating, learning and beach plogging.