AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Improving Security in Amazon WorkMail with MFA

Securing your business email is more critical than ever in today’s digital workplace. To help you protect your users and data in Amazon WorkMail, we have introduced enhanced security features that give organizations more control and protection for their communication platforms. With the integration of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Identity Center, WorkMail now offers robust multi-factor authentication and personal access token capabilities that can help prevent unauthorized access to user accounts and protect sensitive business communications. In this post, we’ll explore how these new security features can strengthen your organization’s email security strategy


Email remains a critical business communication channel, yet it’s also one of the most targeted by cybercriminals. When you’re managing an organization’s communications, a single compromised account can lead to significant financial losses, damage your reputation, and serve as a gateway for additional cyber attacks. Traditional username and password protection is no longer adequate against growing cyber threats.

With Amazon WorkMail, you now have powerful tools to enhance your email security. Our support for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Personal Access Token (PAT) capabilities provides administrators with essential additional security layers to prevent unauthorized account access.

This blog demonstrates WorkMail’s integration with the IAM Identity Center’s default identity store to enable these advanced security features. If you’re using third-party identity providers like Microsoft Entra ID or Okta Universal Directory, you’ll find dedicated integration guides in our documentation.

High-level Overview

Amazon WorkMail’s default authentication is established via a unique username & password:

  1. Users of the WorkMail web-app sign in using their username and password.
  2. Users who access WorkMail from a desktop &/or mobile email application sign in using their username and password.WorkMail standard login

After you integrate WorkMail with IAM Identity Center, Amazon WorkMail can be configured with enhanced authentication that requires:

  1. Users of the WorkMail web-app will log-in via their unique AWS Access Portal using username, password and a MFA token. Upon successful log-in, they select and are redirected into the WorkMail web-app.
  2. Users who access WorkMail from a desktop &/or mobile email app continue to sign in to WorkMail using their username, however they must use a personal access token (PAT) instead of their WorkMail password.

WorkMail via MFA or PAT

More details about WorkMail authentication can be found in our documentation.


  1. Administrator access to an AWS account
    1. You can evaluate the integration in this post for a limited period of time using an AWS Free Tier Account (link = )
  2. Administrator access to an Amazon WorkMail Organization
    1. Your WorkMail organization should have at least 3 or more users for testing
  3. Administrator access to Amazon IAM Identity Center
  4. Your WorkMail and IAM Identity Center must be in the same AWS region

High-level Configuration Steps

  1. Configure Identity Center (see our documentation for detailed information).
  2. Configure WorkMail to use Identity Center (see our documentation for detailed information).
  3. Assign IAM Identity Center users/groups to WorkMail organization
    1. Associate Amazon WorkMail users with IAM Identity Center users (this step is not necessary if your IdC and WorkMail user names are exactly the same, see our documentation for details)
  4. Check Authentication mode (see documentation) & Personal access token configuration (see documentation).
    1. Allow both WorkMail Directory (no MFA/PAT) and Identity Center (requires MFA & PAT) modes for testing.
  5. Test your users’ access to WorkMail with MFA & PAT
  6. Notify your WorkMail users of upcoming changes to login procedures.
  7. Switch WorkMail Authentication Mode to Identity Center only.
    1. When your users are ready for MFA and PAT, switch authentication mode to require MFA and desktop and mobile email clients to use PAT.
  8. Review additional WorkMail security guidance in AWS blogs and documentation to ensure you are up to date with the latest security guidance.

Detailed Configuration Guidance

Configure AWS IAM Identity Center

    1. Open the IdC console in the same AWS region as your WorkMail organization.
      1. If this is your first time accessing IAM Identity Center, you’ll be greeted with the IdC console home page and “Enable IAM Identity Center”. Click the **`Enable`** button.
      2. Enable IAM Identity Center
      3. Unless you have a reason to use an account instance of IdC, choose Enable.
      4. Org instance of IdC
      5. In a new browser window, open the WorkMail console in the same AWS region as the IdC you created above.
      6. Arrange the IdC console browser next to the WorkMail console browser window so you can easily copy/paste between the two services.
      7. Sync IdC and WorkMail users
      8. In the IdC console’s left navigation rail, choose users and click add user.
        1. Create several IdC user accounts with the same usernames and email addresses as your WorkMail users.
          1. Using identical usernames in Amazon WorkMail and IAM Identity Center simplifies user synchronization and reduces authentication errors during integration. This alignment streamlines troubleshooting and user lifecycle management while ensuring consistent access control across both services.)
        2. Make sure the “Send an email to this user with password setup instructions.” is selected.
          1. The user will receive an email with a link to set up a password and instructions to connect to the AWS access portal. The link will be valid for up to 7 days. You can grant this user permissions to accounts or applications (such as WorkMail) when they sign in to the AWS access portal.
          2. join-idc-email
      9. In IdC’s left navigation rail, choose groups and create a new group called “workmail_users”.
        1. IdC-workmail-users-group
        2. Add the IdC users created above to the IdC workmail_users group.
  1. Configure WorkMail to use Identity Center
    1. In the WorkMail console’s left navigation rail, click the link for Identity Center.
    2. Click the down arrow for Multi-factor authentication setup guide
    3. Click Step 1 – Enable identity center and click Enable.
    4. enable-MFA-workmail.
  2. Assign IAM Identity Center users/groups to WorkMail organization
    1. Click the down arrow for Multi-factor authentication setup guide
    2. Click Step 2 – Add and Assign users and click Next
    3. add-assign-users
    4. Assigning users and groups – Users and groups synced to your Identity Center directory are available to assign to your application. Learn more
      1. Click Get Started 
      2. Type workmail_users and select it from the drop-down list.
      3. assign-group
      4. Click Assign
        1. You will get a message “Successfully assigned group workmail_users. Please continue with step 3 by associating users within this group with WorkMail users.”
  3. Authentication mode & Personal access token configuration
    1. The default Authentication mode is set to WorkMail directory and Identity center. Don’t change this yet.
      1. This will allow WorkMail web-app users to continue to login to the WorkMail client directly, without MFA.
    2. The Personal access token configuration default is set to active, and token lifespan set to 365 days. PATs are used by desktop and mobile email clients to login to WorkMail.
      1. This will allow desktop and mobile email clients to continue to login to the WorkMail with their username and password, without a PAT.
  4. Test WorkMail logins to verify a few users can properly access their WorkMail accounts via both the WorkMail web-app and your organization’s unique AWS access portal URL.
    1. Open the Amazon WorkMail web application and login as one of your test users.
      1. You should have an email invitation to join AWS IAM Identity Center.
      2. Accept the invitation.
      3. Create a IdC password.
      4. Use your username and the new password to login to IdC.
      5. Register an MFA device
      6. enable-mfa
      7. Click Next
      8. You’ll be redirected to the AWS access portal.
        1. Enter your user name and password
        2. Provide your MFA token
      9. Click the tile for Amazon WorkMail to login to the WorkMail web-app
    2. Desktop or mobile email software users need to create PATs to access WorkMail (once the WorkMail administrator disables the WorkMail directory Authentication mode and logins are via the Identity center AWS access portal URL only). Note – PATs are retrieved by individual users from within the WorkMail web-client after logging in via the AWS access portal URL (with MFA).
      1. Open the AWS access portal URL and login
        1. You can find the URL from the Identity Center console > Settings > AWS access portal URL
      2. Login via your username password
      3. Register an MFA device
      4. You’ll be redirected to the AWS access portal.
        1. Enter your user name and password
        2. Provide your MFA token
      5. Click the tile for Amazon WorkMail to login to the WorkMail web-app
      6. In the web-app, click the settings (gear in top right) icon
      7. get-PAT
        1. In settings, click Personal access token and Create token
        2. Enter a token name (typically the device on which you’ll use this PAT) and select create token.
        3. Copy the token value (this is the only time you can retrieve this token value).
        4. Open your desktop or mobile email software, enter your username and your PAT (the PAT replaces your existing user password).
        5. update-email-app-with-pat
  5. Notify your WorkMail users of upcoming changes to login procedures
    1. Once you have tested the integration between Amazon WorkMail and IAM Identity Center with a few test users, you should prepare your WorkMail users for the increased login security. For example, you could send them an email that explains:
      1. The organization is adding an additional login security step to help protect their inboxes.
      2. Inform them that they should anticipate an email from the AWS IAM Identity Center with info about the upcoming implementation of MFA for web-app users and PATs for desktop and mobile client users.
      3. Users should accept the invitation and create a new password for the AWS IAM Identity Center.
      4. Inform them that once WorkMail MFA is enabled, all WorkMail web-app users will be required to use their username, password and MFA.
      5. Inform them that once WorkMail PATs are enabled, all WorkMail desktop and mobile email client users will need to login to the WorkMail web client (with MFA) via the AWS access portal URL, create one PAT per software client (the same PAT can not be used on desktop and mobile). They then must update their desktop or mobile email software to use their username and PAT, instead of their current password. Explain that the PAT is now their email client application password and their personal desktop or mobile email software passwords will no longer work.
      6. Provide users with a way to request support.
  6. Switch WorkMail Authentication Mode to Identity Center only
    1. Once you are satisfied that your WorkMail users have incorporated MFA and/or PATs into their WorkMail login routines, the WorkMail administrator should disable the WorkMail directory Authentication mode found in the WorkMail console under Organization > Identity Center.
  7. Review additional guidance to improve WorkMail security via AWS blogs and documentation.
    1. WorkMail Audit Logging Overview:
    2. Custom Security Alarm Setup:
    3. For comprehensive security guidelines, refer to the Amazon WorkMail Security Documentation:

Conclusion – Strengthen your Amazon WorkMail security with IAM Identity Center

By integrating Amazon WorkMail with IAM Identity Center you can more fully protect your organization’s email communications. This integration also centralizes user access management, allowing you to:

  • Manage WorkMail access alongside other AWS applications
  • Reduce security risks in a landscape of constant cyber threats
  • Simplify administrative tasks through a single dashboard

To keep your email environment secure, we recommend you:

Take control of your email communications today with Amazon WorkMail

  • Enable IAM Identity Center Integration
  • Connect your WorkMail organization to centralized access management
  • Configure WorkMail to require:
    • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) – Adds an extra layer of security for web-app users
    • Personal Access Tokens (PAT) – Add an extra layer of security for desktop and mobile client access
  • Visit the WorkMail Console ( to begin configuration

Need guidance? Contact your AWS account team or check out our technical documentation.

Join the conversation and connect with other administrators and security professionals on the AWS re:Post community to share insights and learn best practices.

Zip Zieper

Zip Zieper

Zip is a Senior Solutions Architect Specialist for Amazon Simple Email Service and AWS End User Messaging. Outside of work he enjoys family, mtn. biking, fitness, cooking and plogging.

Jesse Thompson

Jesse Thompson

Jesse is an Email Deliverability Manager with the Amazon Simple Email Service team. His background is in enterprise IT development and operations, with a focus on email abuse mitigation and encouragement of authenticity practices with open standard protocols. Jesse’s favorite activity outside of technology is recreational curling.

Konstantin Mokhov

Konstantin Mokhov

Konstantin is a Software Development Engineer at Amazon WorkMail. His professional background focuses on improving organizational security posture and developing robust integrations between various systems. When not enhancing email solutions, Konstantin enjoys playing beach volleyball, tennis, and exploring new destinations through travel.

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby Weir-Jones

Toby is a Principal Product Manager for Amazon SES and WorkMail. He joined AWS in January 2021 and has significant experience in both business and consumer information security products and services. His focus on email solutions at SES is all about tackling a product that everyone uses and finding ways to bring innovation and improved performance to one of the most ubiquitous IT tools.