AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

New Regions, New Features, and a New Web Site

It’s a busy time here on the Digital User Engagement Team at AWS!

Last week, we made Amazon Pinpoint available in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) AWS Regions. This is great news for new Pinpoint customers in these areas of the globe who were previously concerned with issues related to latency and data residency. Existing Amazon Pinpoint customers can also use these new Regions to increase availability and create geographical redundancy.

On Tuesday of this week, we also launched two exciting improvements to the Amazon Pinpoint console. The first improvement is a tool that you can use to import customer segments in just a few clicks. Previously, if you wanted to import customer data into Pinpoint, you had to save the data in a CSV or JSON file, upload it to an S3 bucket, create a segment in Pinpoint, and enter the full path to the S3 bucket. Now, you can drag and drop files right into the segment importer. To learn more, see the Pinpoint User Guide.

The other new feature that we released this week is an improved email editor. Our previous email editor only allowed you to include a limited set of HTML tags in your emails. With our new editor, however, you can include any HTML tags that you want. The new editor also includes a helpful side-by-side view that renders your message in real-time, as shown in the following image.

Users who don’t want to work with HTML code can also use the Design view to create and modify emails in an intuitive, WYSIWYG interface. For more information, see the Pinpoint User Guide.

Finally, we launched a new website for Amazon Pinpoint at On our new site, you can learn more about the capabilities of Amazon Pinpoint. You’ll find in-depth information about all of the features, channels, and use cases that Amazon Pinpoint supports.

Every day, we’re amazed by the things that our customers do with Amazon Pinpoint. We hope these changes help you do even more incredible things!