AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Optimize your sending reputation and deliverability with SES dedicated IPs

Optimize your sending reputation and deliverability with SES dedicated IPs

Email remains the best medium for communicating with customers, with a ROI of 4200%, higher than social media or blogs. Organizations that fail to adequately manage their email sending and reputation risk having their emails marked as spam, not reaching their customers’ inboxes, reducing trust with their customers and ultimately, losing revenue. Studies showed that 16% of all marketing emails have either gone completely missing or have been caught by popular spam filters. In this blog post we will explain the benefits of sending email over a dedicated IP, and how dedicated IPs (managed) makes it easy to do so.

Improve your sender reputation and deliverability with dedicated IPs
When customers sign up to SES, their sending is automatically sent from shared IPs. Shared IPs offer a cost-effective and safe method of sending email. A limitation of sending over a shared IP is that customers do not control their own sending reputations. The reputation of the IP that you send from is determined by the quality of content and engagement levels of all the emails sent from that IP. This means that good senders, that send highly engaged content or important transactional emails, cannot improve their sending reputation on shared IPs. By improving their sending reputation, senders can improve their deliverability rates and make sure that more of their emails get to the recipient’s inbox rather than their junk folder. Today, this is avoided by customers sending via a dedicated IP. Dedicated IPs are exclusive to a single sender so other bad actors cannot affect their sending reputation and good senders can improve their sending reputation.

A common method organizations use to increase delivery rate is to lease dedicated IPs where they are the sole exclusive sender and do not share their IP with other senders. This helps grow and maintain sending reputation and build high levels of trust with ISPs and mailbox vendors, ensuring high delivery rates. Today however, there are a number of issues with sending email via dedicated IPs. Customers experience difficulties in estimating how many dedicated IPs they need to handle their sending volume. This means that customers often lease too many IPs and pay for bandwidth that they don’t need. Dedicated IPs must also be “warmed-up” by sending a gradually increasing amount of email each day via the IP so that the recipient ISPs and mailboxes do not see a sudden large burst of emails coming from it, which is a signal of spam and can result in a blocking. Customers must manually configure the amount of mail to increase by, often not reaching the required volume, on average, after 45 days, hampering their time-to-market agility. This burden of provisioning, configuring and managing dedicated IPs inhibits many email senders from adopting them, meaning that their sending reputation is not optimized.

Dedicated IPs (managed)
SES customers can now send their email via dedicated IPs (managed) and will have the entire process of provisioning, leasing, warming up and managing the IP fully automated. Dedicated IPs (managed) is a feature of SES that simplifies how SES customers setup and maintain email sending through a dedicated IP space. It builds on learnings and feedback gathered from customers using the current standard Dedicated IP offering.

Dedicated IPs (managed) provides the following key benefits:

  • Easy Onboarding – Customers can create a managed dedicated pool through the API/CLI/Console and start with dedicated sending, without having to open AWS support cases to lease/release individual IPs.
  • Auto-Scaling per ISP – No more manual monitoring or scaling of dedicated pools. The pool scales out and in automatically based on usage. This auto-scaling also takes into consideration ISPs specific policies. For example, if SES detects that an ISP supports a low daily send quota, the pool will scale-out to better distribute traffic to that ISP across more IPs. In the current offering, customers are responsible for right sizing the number of IPs in their sending pools.
  • Warmup per ISP – SES will track the warmup level for each IP in the pool toward each ISP individually. SES will also track domain reputation at the individual ISP level. If a customer has been sending all their traffic to Gmail, the IP is considered warmed up only for Gmail and cold for other ISPs. If the traffic pattern changes and customer ramps up their traffic to Hotmail, SES will ramp up traffic slowly for Hotmail as the IPs are not warmed up yet. In the current manual dedicated offering, warmup % is tracked at the aggregate IP level and therefore can’t track the individual ISP level of granularity.
  • Adaptive warmup – The warmup % calculation is adaptive and takes into account actual sending patterns at an ISP level. When the sending to an ISP drops, the warmup % also drops for the given ISP. Today, when warming up the IP, customers must specify a warm up schedule and choose their volumes. Rather than having to specify a schedule and guess the optimal volume to send, Dedicated IPs (managed) will adapt the sending volume based on each individual ISP’s capacity, optimizing the warm-up schedule
  • Spill-over into shared & defer – Messages will be accepted through the API/SMTP and the system will be deferring and retrying excess sending from a customer when it is above what the pool can safely support for a particular ISP. In the early phases of the pool, the system will still leverage spill-over into shared as is done in the current offering.


If you use several dedicated IP addresses with Amazon SES, you can create groups of those addresses. These groups are called dedicated IP pools. A common scenario is to create one pool of dedicated IP addresses for sending marketing communications, and another for sending transactional emails. Your sender reputation for transactional emails is then isolated from that of your marketing emails. In this scenario, if a marketing campaign generates a large number of complaints, the delivery of your transactional emails is not impacted.

Configuration sets are groups of rules that you can apply to your verified identities. A verified identity is a domain, subdomain, or email address you use to send email through Amazon SES. When you apply a configuration set to an email, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email. For example, you can associate these dedicated IP pools with configuration sets and use one for sending marketing communications, and another for sending transactional emails.

Onboarding to a managed dedicated pool for the most part is very similar to onboarding to regular dedicated IP sending. It involves creating a dedicated managed pool, associating the pool with a configuration set, and specifying the configuration set to use when sending email. The configuration set can be also applied implicitly to a sending identity by using the default configuration set feature.

Below are the instructions of how to get set up on dedicated IPs (managed)



To enable dedicated IPs (managed) via the Amazon SES console:

  1. Go to the SES AWS console and click on Dedicated IPs
  2. On the Dedicated IPs Screen, click on the “Create Managed IP Pool” button
  3. Enter the details of your new dedicated IP (managed) pool. Specify Scaling Mode to be “Managed (auto managed)”. Do not associate it with a Configuration Set at this point. Click create.
  4. Going back to the dedicated IP Managed IP pools view, you should see your newly created dedicated IPs (managed) pool in the “All Dedicated IP (managed) pools” table. If you have any existing standard dedicated pools, you can view them and their individual IPs under the “Standard IP pools” tab.
  5. View your current configuration sets.
  6. Click on the “Create set” button.
  7. Enter the details of your new configuration set. For Sending IP pool select your newly created dedicated IP (managed) pool and click create.
  8. View your verified sending identities and click on the identity you wish to onboard to dedicated sending.
  9. Select the configuration tab. Under default configuration set, click on the Edit button.
  10. Click on the “Assign a default configuration set” checkbox and select your newly created configuration set. Click save.
  11. At this point all sending from that verified identity will automatically be sent using the dedicated IP (managed) pool.


You can configure your SES resources through the CLI. A dedicated pool can be specified to be managed by setting the --scaling-mode MANAGED parameter when creating the dedicated pool.

# Specify which AWS region to use
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1'

# Create a managed dedicated pool
aws sesv2 create-dedicated-ip-pool --pool-name dedicated1 --scaling-mode MANAGED

# Create a configuration set that that will send through the dedicated pool
aws sesv2 create-configuration-set --configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1 --delivery-options SendingPoolName=dedicated1

# Configure the configuration set as the default for your sending identity
aws sesv2 put-email-identity-configuration-set-attributes --email-identity {{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}} --configuration-set-name cs_dedicated1

# Send SES email through the API or SMTP without requiring any code changes. Emails will # be sent out through the dedicated pool.
aws sesv2 send-email --from-email-address "{YOUR-SENDING-IDENTITY-HERE}}" --destination "" —content '{"Simple": {"Subject": {"Data": "Sent from a Dedicated IP Managed pool"},"Body": {"Text": {"Data": "Hello"}}}}'


We recommend customers onboard to event destinations [1] and delivery delay events [2] to more accurately track the sending performance of their dedicated sending.


In this blog post we explained the benefits of sending via a dedicated IP and the ease at which you can now do this using the new dedicated IPs (managed) feature.

For more information, visit the following links:
