AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Shift management using Amazon Pinpoint’s 2-way-SMS

Businesses with physical presence such as retail, restaurants and airlines need reliable solutions for shift management when demand fluctuates, employees call in sick, or other unforeseen circumstances arise. Their linear dependence on staff forces them to create overtime shifts as a way to cope with demand.

The overtime shift communication between the business and employees needs to be immediate and scalable. Employees in such industries might not have access to internet, which rules out communication channels like email and push notification. Furthermore once the employees receive the available shifts, they need an easy way to book them and if required request further support.

In these situations, businesses need communication methods that are accessible by any mobile device, available without internet connection, and allow for replies. SMS fills all of these requirements and more. This blog showcases how with Amazon Pinpoint SMS channel and other AWS services you can develop an application that communicates available shifts to employees who are interested while allowing them to book by replying.

The solution presented in this blog is for shift management but with small changes it can also communicate available appointments to customers / patients. An example of such use case can be found in health care, where there is a waiting list to see a doctor and patients might cancel the very last moment. The solution can communicate these available slots to all patients in the waiting list and allow them to book via SMS.


The solution uses Amazon Pinpoint two way SMS, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Amazon Connect (optional). The next section dives deeper into the architecture diagram and logic flow.


  1. The operator adds an item to the Shift’s campaigns Amazon DynamoDB table. The item consists of a unique key that is used as the Amazon Pinpoint Campaign Id and an attribute Campaign Message, which is used as the SMS message text that the campaign recipients will receive. The Campaign Message needs to include all available shifts that the operator wants to notify the employees about.
    1. Note: This can be done either from the AWS console or programmatically via API.
  2. Amazon DynamoDB streams invokes an AWS Lambda function upon creation of a new Amazon DynamoDB item. The AWS Lambda function uses the Amazon DynamoDB data to create and execute an Amazon Pinpoint SMS Campaign based on an existing customer segment of employees who are interested in overtime shifts. The customer segment is a prerequisite and it includes SMS endpoints of the employees who are interested in receiving shift updates.
  3. Employees who belong in that segment receive an SMS with the available shifts and they can reply to book the ones they are interested in.
  4. Any inbound SMS is published on an Amazon SNS topic.
  5. The 2 way SMS AWS Lambda function subscribes to the Amazon Simple Notification Service and processes all inbound SMS based on their message body.
  6. The Shift’s status Amazon DynamoDB table stores the status of the shifts, which gets updated depending on the inbound SMS.
  7. If the employee requires further assistance, they can trigger an Amazon Connect outbound call via SMS.

The diagram below illustrates the four possible messages an employee can send to the application. To safeguard the application from outsiders and bad actors, the 2 way SMS AWS Lambda function looks up if the senders mobile number is in an allow list. In this solution, the allow list is hardcoded as an AWS Lambda environment variable but it can be stored in a data base like Amazon DynamoDB.

shift management inbound-sms-business-logic

Solution implementation


To deploy this solution, you must have the following:

  1. An originating identity that supports 2 way SMS in the country you are planning to send SMS to – Supported countries and regions (SMS channel).
  2. A mobile phone to send and receive SMS.
  3. An AWS account.
  4. An Amazon Pinpoint project – How to create an Amazon Pinpoint project.
  5. An SMS customer segment – Download the example CSV, that contains one SMS endpoint. Replace the phone number (column C) with yours and import it to Amazon Pinpoint – How to import an Amazon Pinpoint segment.
  6. Add your mobile number in the Amazon Pinpoint SMS sandbox – Amazon Pinpoint SMS sandbox.
  7. An Amazon Connect instance, number & contact flow if you want your employees to be able to request an agent call back. Download the example Connect contact flow that you can import to your Amazon Connect instance.

Note: UK numbers with a +447 prefix are not allowed by default. Before you can dial these UK mobile numbers, you must submit a service quota increase request. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Deploy the solution

  1. Download the CloudFormation template and navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS region you want to deploy the solution.
  2. Select Create stack and With new resources. Choose Template is ready as Prerequisite – Prepare template and Upload a template file as Specify template. Upload the template downloaded in step 1.
  3. Fill the AWS CloudFormation parameters as shown below:
    1. ApprovedNumbers: The mobile numbers that are allowed to use this service. The format should be E164 and if there is more than one number separate them by comma e.g. +4457434243,+432434324.
    2. OriginationNumber: The mobile number that you have in your Amazon Pinpoint account in E164 format e.g. +44384238975.
    3. PinpointProjectId: The existing Amazon Pinpoint project Id.
    4. SegmentId: The Amazon Pinpoint existing segment Id that you want to send the SMS notifications to.
    5. ConnectEnable: Select YES if you already have an Amazon Connect instance with a Contact Flow and Queue. If you select NO ignore all the fields below, the solution will still be deployed but employees won’t be able to request a call back.
    6. InstanceId: The Amazon Connect InstanceId. Follow this link to learn how to find your Amazon Connect InstanceId.
    7. ContactFlowID: The Amazon Connect Contact Flow Id that you want this solution to use. Follow this link to learn how to find your Amazon Connect ContactFlow id.
    8. QueueID: The Amazon Connect Queue Id. To obtain the Amazon Connect Queue Id navigate to your Amazon Connect instance > Routing > Queues and it should appear on the browser URL, see example:
    9. SourcePhoneNumber: The Amazon Connect number in E164 format that is connected to the Contact Flow provided in step 7.
  4. Once the solution has been successfully deployed, navigate to the Amazon DynamoDB console and access the ShiftsStatus DynamoDB table. Each item created represents a shift and should have a unique shift_id that employees use to book the shifts, a column shift_status with value = available and a column shift_info where you can put additional information about the shift – see example below:
          "S":"15/08 5h nightshift"


  5. Navigate to Amazon Pinpoint console > SMS and voice > Phone numbers, select the phone number that you used as OriginationNumber for this solution and enable Two-way SMS. Under the Incoming messages destination section, select Choose an existing SNS topic and select the one containing the name TwoWaySMSSNSTopic.
  6. Navigate to the Amazon DynamoDB console and access the ShiftsCampaignDynamoDB table. Each item you create represents an Amazon Pinpoint SMS campaign. Create an Amazon DynamoDB item and provide a unique campaign_id, which will be used as the Amazon Pinpoint Campaign name. Create a new attribute (string) with the name campaign_message and type all available shifts that you want to communicate via this campaign. It is important to include the shift id(s) for each of shifts you want your employees to be able to request – see example below.
    • Note: By completing this step, you will trigger an Amazon Pinpoint SMS Campaign. You can access the campaign information and analytics from the Amazon Pinpoint console.
  "campaign_id": {
    "S": "campaign_id1"
  "campaign_message": {
    "S": "15/08 5h nightshift XYZ123, 18/08 3h dayshift XYZ124"


Testing the solution

  • Make sure you have created the shifts in the ShiftsStatusDynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB table.
  • To test the SMS Campaign, replicate step 6 under Deploy the solution section.
  • Reply to the SMS received with the options below:
    1. Send a shift_id that doesn’t exist to receive an automatic response “This is not a valid shift code, please reply by typing REQUEST to view the available shifts”.
    2. Send a valid & available shift_id to book the shift and then check the ShiftsStatusDynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB table, where the shift_status should change to taken and there should be a new column employee with the mobile number of the employee who has requested it.
    3. Send REQUEST to receive all shifts with shift_status = available.
    4. If you have deployed the solution along with Amazon Connect, send AGENT and await for the call.

Next steps

This solution can be extended to support SMS sending to multiple countries by acquiring the respective originating identities. Using Amazon Pinpoint phone number validate service API the application can identify the country for each recipient and choose the correct originating identity accordingly.

Depending your business requirements you might want to change the agent call back option to chat via SMS. You can extend this solution to connect the agent via SMS chat by following the steps in this blog.


To delete the solution, navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console and delete the stack deployed.

Pavlos Ioannou Katidis

Pavlos Ioannou Katidis

Pavlos Ioannou Katidis is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, specializing in Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) and AWS End User Messaging. With deep expertise in designing scalable and resilient solutions, Pavlos focuses on designing and building mass communication systems and omnichannel frameworks. He has authored widely adopted AWS workshops, blogs, and technical solutions, and developed internal tools leveraging Generative AI to streamline processes and boost productivity. Pavlos has represented AWS at re:Invent, speaking on topics such as resilient notification systems, one-time password setups, and high-volume messaging best practices. In his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis, walking, and working on personal coding projects.