AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Tag: Announcements

Receiving Email with Amazon SES

The Amazon SES team is pleased to announce that you can now use SES to receive email! For the past four years, SES has strived to make your life easier by maintaining a fleet of SMTP servers ready to send mail when you want it. There’s no need to worry about scaling, ensuring message delivery, […]

Announcing Sending Authorization!

The Amazon SES team is excited to announce the release of sending authorization! This feature allows users to grant permission to use their email addresses or domains to other accounts or IAM users. Note that for simplicity, we’ll be referring to email addresses and domains collectively as “identities” and the accounts and IAM users receiving […]

SES Limit Increase Form Consolidation

Hi SES Senders, We on the SES team strive to make things easier for our customers. As such, we’ve recently streamlined SES’s limit increase request process. Instead of having separate Support Center forms for Production Access and Sending Limit increases, we now have one form that serves both purposes. Our motivation behind the change was […]

Announcing Delivery Notifications!

The Amazon SES team is excited to announce the release of delivery notifications. This feature allows you to receive an SNS notification each time SES successfully delivers one of your emails to a recipient’s mail server. The notifications contain delivery information that provides increased transparency into the status of email sent with SES. What are […]

Amazon SES Expands to US West!

Amazon Simple Email Service users, we are happy to announce the immediate availability of SES in the US West (Oregon) AWS region. This is the third region that SES is present in after US East (N. Virginia) and recently released EU (Ireland), and we’re excited about the improvement this launch will bring to your email-sending […]

Announcing Amazon SES Endpoint in Europe!

The Amazon Simple Email Service team is very excited to announce that SES has expanded into the EU (Ireland) AWS Region. SES has always been a global service, but until today, it was hosted only in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. SES’s expansion into Europe represents the first step in a series of planned […]

New Flexibility with Email Headers and Attachment Types

Amazon SES Senders: we’ve pushed important changes to improve your sending experience, thanks to your valuable feedback. Based on this feedback we know that one constraint that often created friction was the way SES approached validation on email headers and attachment types (file extensions). Why do I describe the SES constraints on email headers and […]

Amazon SES Console Redesign

AWS has been gradually rolling out an improved user interface for the AWS Management Console of different services, and today is SES’s turn! The goal of the console redesign is to enable you to access the same underlying SES functionality more easily, especially on tablet devices. Whether you access the SES console using a desktop […]

Goodbye blacklist. Introducing the suppression list!

We’ve heard your feedback: handling “Address Blacklisted” errors is a major hassle. We have been working to make that experience more intuitive, and are happy to announce that today we launched the blacklist’s replacement, the Amazon SES suppression list. Like the blacklist, the suppression list is a list of recipient addresses that Amazon SES blocks […]