AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Tag: email best practices

How to send messages to multiple recipients with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

Introduction Customers frequently ask what is the best way to send messages to multiple recipients using Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) with the best deliverability and without exceeding the maximum recipient’s per message limit. In this blog, we will show you how to determine the best approach for sending a message to multiple recipients based […]

SES Chaining multiple rules in a rule set

Manage Incoming Emails at Scale with Amazon SES

NOTE: This blog was originally published in June 2023 and has been updated on June 6, 2024 to include a link to the announcement of the recently launched feature called Mail Manager, as well as a link to the Amazon SES blog post published on May 22, 2024: “Mail Manager – Amazon SES introduces new email routing […]

Amazon SES – Set up notifications for bounces and complaints

Why is it important to monitor bounces and complaints when using Amazon Simple Email Service? Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a scalable cloud email service provider that is cost-effective and flexible. Amazon SES allows businesses and individuals to send bulk emails to their customers and subscribers. However, as with any email service, there […]

A Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Email Database

Introduction In the digital age, email remains a powerful tool for businesses to communicate with their customers. Whether it’s for marketing campaigns, customer service updates, or important announcements, a well-maintained email database is crucial for ensuring that your messages reach their intended recipients. However, managing an email database is not just about storing email addresses. […]

New capabilities make sending emails with dedicated IPs even easier

SES’ New Dedicated IP (managed) Capabilities In the world of email, sending emails over dedicated IPs can provide a number of benefits, including greater control over reputation and the ability to manage email deliverability. However, the heavy lifting involved in setting up and managing a dedicated IP can be intimidating, especially for those who are […]

How to test email sending and monitoring

Introduction When setting up your email sending infrastructure and connections to APIs it is necessary to ensure proper setup. It is also important to ensure that after making changes to your sending pipeline that you verify that your application is working as expected. Not only is it important to test your sending processes, but it’s […]

Choosing the Right Domain for Optimal Deliverability with Amazon SES

As a sender, selecting the right domain for the visible From header of your outbound messages is crucial for optimal deliverability. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of choosing the best domain to use with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Understanding domain selection and its impact on deliverability With SES, […]

Optimize your sending reputation and deliverability with SES dedicated IPs

Optimize your sending reputation and deliverability with SES dedicated IPs Email remains the best medium for communicating with customers, with a ROI of 4200%, higher than social media or blogs. Organizations that fail to adequately manage their email sending and reputation risk having their emails marked as spam, not reaching their customers’ inboxes, reducing trust […]

Increase email sending success rates with Amazon Simple Email Services (SES) new Virtual Deliverability Manager

Email is a ubiquitous channel for businesses to communicate with their customers. Businesses rely on email to market products and services, communicate transactional information, and keep customers in-the-know about product changes and events. To realize the full value of this rich and established communication channel, businesses need tools to monitor and optimize their email delivery […]

Troubleshooting event publishing issues in Amazon SES

Over the past year, we’ve released several features that make it easier to track the metrics that are associated with your Amazon SES account. The first of these features, launched in November of last year, was event publishing. Initially, event publishing let you capture basic metrics related to your email sending and publish them to […]