Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Front-End Web & Mobile

Amplify Functions: Create serverless functions using TypeScript, powered by AWS Lambda

AWS Amplify is excited to announce the general availability of its Function offering for Gen 2. Amplify Functions are defined, authored, and consumed using TypeScript; whether they be a handler for your custom queries and mutations, or a trigger for your authentication resource. Under the hood, Amplify Functions are powered by AWS Lambda; however, Amplify […]

Amplify Storage: Now with fullstack TypeScript, powered by Amazon S3

We are delighted to share with you a brand new experience for file storage using AWS Amplify! This powerful storage solution seamlessly integrates with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and offers developers greater control and flexibility over their file structure via Amplify’s fullstack TypeScript developer experience. Whether you’re an experienced developer or new to […]

Deploy a Single-page Application in less than 10 minutes using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a unified software development and delivery service, enables software development teams to quickly and easily plan, develop, collaborate on, build, and deliver applications on AWS. Amazon CodeCatalyst provides actions, a collection of pre-built building pieces that are simple to integrate. Actions meet the demands to increase developer productivity and optimize development by automating […]

Fullstack TypeScript: Reintroducing AWS Amplify

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of AWS Amplify Gen 2, a fullstack TypeScript experience for building cloud-connected apps. AWS Amplify helps you accomplish two jobs: Host your web app Build and connect to a cloud backend With Amplify Gen 2, every part of your app’s cloud backend is defined in TypeScript. Need […]

The evolution of full-stack development with AWS Amplify

To cater to the delivery of increasingly fast and personalised experiences, the way web applications are built and rendered has evolved significantly over the years. Along the way, the role of the developers who build them has also changed to reflect this evolution. In this post, you will learn about the progression of full-stack web […]

Building a Secure GraphQL API with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

Building a Secure GraphQL API with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

Client-side web development with frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue have become incredibly popular. At the same time, GraphQL has emerged as an alternative to REST for building robust, efficient APIs. However, using GraphQL APIs from client-side code comes with unique challenges compared to REST. One major roadblock is handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) when […]

Use Generative AI and Next.js with AWS Amplify to build a Fullstack Recipe Generator

Use Generative AI and Next.js with AWS Amplify to build a Fullstack Recipe Generator

Let’s dive into the world of Generative AI, Next.js, AWS Amplify, and Amazon Bedrock supercharged by Claude 3. In this guide, we’ll walk you through creating a recipe generator app where users can input a list of ingredients, and Claude 3 will generate delicious recipes based on their selection. In November 2023, AWS Amplify unveiled the public […]

Control GraphQL execution complexity, query depth, and introspection with AWS AppSync

This article is written by Erik Yang with contributions from Eric Robertson AWS AppSync recently announced new configuration options that make it easier for customers to configure limits to how their APIs can be consumed. These options allow customers to set a maximum number of resolvers per query, a maximum depth of queried data, and […]

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Deploy Next.js 14 SSR apps with AWS Amplify Hosting’s Amazon Linux 2023 Support

Introduction Today, on AWS Amplify Hosting, the build image will default to Amazon Linux 2023 for newly deployed applications. Amazon Linux 2023 enables using newer versions of Node.js, Ruby, and Python to build applications on Amplify Hosting. Amplify Hosting manages a default build image with a collection of pre-installed packages that you can use to […]