Front-End Web & Mobile

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Featured image for GraphQL Transformer v2

AWS Amplify announces the new GraphQL Transformer v2. More feature-rich, flexible, and extensible.

Today, AWS Amplify announces the GraphQL Transformer version 2, enabling developers to develop more feature-rich, flexible, and extensible GraphQL-based app backends even with minimal cloud expertise. The AWS Amplify CLI is a command line toolchain that helps frontend developers create app backends in the cloud. With the Transformer, developers can configure their backend data model […]

Featured image to export Amplify projects to CDK

Export Amplify backends to CDK and use with existing deployment pipelines

Today, AWS Amplify announces the ability to export Amplify CLI-generated backends as a Cloud Development Kit (CDK) stack and incorporate into existing CDK deployment pipelines. This new capability allows frontend developers to build their app backend quickly and, each time it is ready to ship, hand it over to DevOps teams to deploy to production. […]


Amplify UI’s new Authenticator component makes it easy to add customizable login pages to your React, Angular, or Vue app

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. This post is written by Nikhil Swaminathan and Eric Clemmons who work at AWS Amplify. AWS Amplify UI recently announced a new version […]

AWS Amplify announces the ability to override Amplify-generated resources using CDK

Override Amplify-generated backend resources using CDK

AWS Amplify announces the ability for developers to override Amplify-generated IAM, Cognito, S3, and DynamoDB resource configurations to best meet app requirements. With the new override capability, developers can easily configure their backend with Amplify-provided defaults but still customize fine-grained resource settings. AWS Amplify is the fastest and easiest way to build cloud-powered mobile and […]

Implementing caching for pipeline resolvers in AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs

This article was written by Eric Robertson, SDE Intern, AWS AppSync AWS AppSync is a fully managed service which allows developers to deploy and interact with a scalable serverless GraphQL API backend on AWS. GraphQL provides a complete description of the API data in a strongly typed system, making it easier to evolve APIs over […]

Introducing Lambda authorization for AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs

This article was written by Brice Pellé, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS AWS AppSync is a fully managed service which allows developers to deploy and interact with serverless scalable GraphQL backends on AWS. As an application data service, AppSync makes it easy to connect applications to multiple data sources using a single API. AppSync supports […]

Getting Started with AWS Amplify DataStore Multi-Auth for iOS

Managing which users have access to specific content is a problem that most modern apps face. With the recent release, AWS Amplify DataStore allows you to define multiple authorization (multi-auth) types for your GraphQL data schemas. Multi-auth types make it easier to manage user access and enable personalized content for users once they sign in. […]

AWS Amplify allows you to mix and match authorization modes in DataStore

With today’s release, Amplify DataStore gains the ability to configure multiple authorization modes for a single app data backend. DataStore provides frontend app developers the ability to build real-time apps with offline capabilities by storing data on-device (web browser or mobile device), and automatically synchronizing data to the cloud and across devices on an internet […]

Configure environment variables and secrets for your Lambda functions with Amplify CLI

With the recent release, Amplify CLI allows you to set environment variables and secrets for your Lambda functions. This feature is available as an advanced setting in Amplify’s “Function” category and allows you to configure environment variables and secrets interactively. The secrets configuration uses AWS Parameter Store backed by a “SecureString” parameter. In addition, this […]

Simplify out of band AWS AppSync real-time subscriptions with Amazon EventBridge

This article was written by Josh Kahn, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS September 14, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Real-time, up-to-date data is valuable for many categories of applications. From sports scores to stock quotes to delivery apps and many others, real-time data is essential in building […]