Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: Android

push notifications launch image

AWS Amplify supports Push Notifications for Android, Swift, React Native, and Flutter apps

June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. AWS Amplify is announcing push notifications support for Android, Swift, Flutter, and React Native. Push notifications are an essential component of modern mobile […]

v2 Amplify Library for Android

AWS Amplify Library Announces v2.0 Amplify Library for Android

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of v2.0 Amplify Library for Android! Amplify Library for Android allows developers building apps for the Android platform to easily include features like authentication, storage, maps, and more. The latest major version of this library has been re-written to improve Android developers experience and is now […]

Text to Speech on Android Using AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify offers many categories that focus on making specific uses cases easier to implement using a variety of AWS Services under the hood. The Amplify Predictions category enables you to integrate machine learning into your application without any prior machine learning experience. In this blog post, you will learn how to use the Predictions category […]

Android Maps with Amplify Geo

Add Maps to your Android app with AWS Amplify Geo, powered by Amazon Location Service

This blog post was written by Erica Eaton – Software Development Engineer at AWS Amplify. Today’s release of AWS Amplify Geo for Android allows developers to quickly and easily add customizable maps with markers and location search to their Android applications. The location APIs are powered by Amazon Location Service and map rendering is from […]

Getting Started with AWS Amplify DataStore Multi-Auth for Android

Managing which users have access to specific content is a problem that most modern apps face. With the recent release, AWS Amplify DataStore allows you to define multiple authorization (multi-auth) types for your GraphQL data schemas. Multi-auth types make it easier to manage user access and enable personalized content for users once they sign in. […]

Introducing the AWS Amplify Libraries for iOS and Android (Preview)

Amplify iOS and Amplify Android are now generally available (GA). Read the GA post to get started with the new libraries. Until today, building iOS and Android apps powered by AWS involved using the AWS service-centric handwritten or low level generated SDKs. To set up the backend, you would go to the AWS service console […]

Developing and testing GraphQL APIs, Storage and Functions with Amplify Framework Local Mocking features

This article was written by Ed Lima, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS and Sean Grove, OneGraph In fullstack application development, iteration is king. At AWS, we’re constantly identifying steps in the process of shipping product that slow iteration, or sap developer productivity and happiness, and work to shorten it. To that end, we’ve provided cloud APIs, serverless […]

Announcing the new Predictions category in Amplify Framework

The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications. Today, AWS announces a new category called “Predictions” in the Amplify Framework. Using this category, you can easily add and configure AI/ML uses cases for your web and mobile application using few lines of code. You can accomplish these use […]

Building an Android app with AWS Amplify – Part 2

This post has been deprecated. Instead, please see the new Amplify Android Getting Started tutorial to learn how to build Android mobile applications using AWS Amplify. This is part 2 of a two-part series of walkthroughs on how to build an AWS cloud-enabled Android mobile app with the AWS Amplify toolchain. In this post, we […]

AWS AppSync releases Pipeline Resolvers, Aurora Serverless support, Delta Sync

AWS AppSync, a Serverless GraphQL backend for providing data to mobile and web applications, has been steadily releasing features over the past year since launching at re:Invent 2017. Today, we’re happy to release several new service and client features for AWS AppSync that can greatly enhance the way you build client applications and provide data […]