Front-End Web & Mobile

Tag: Mobile Web

Deploy a Single-page Application in less than 10 minutes using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a unified software development and delivery service, enables software development teams to quickly and easily plan, develop, collaborate on, build, and deliver applications on AWS. Amazon CodeCatalyst provides actions, a collection of pre-built building pieces that are simple to integrate. Actions meet the demands to increase developer productivity and optimize development by automating […]

Featured image for component slots with dynamic data

Build an e-Commerce site with Figma-to-React code using Component Slots and dynamic data

This blog post was written by Wesley Peck, Senior Product Manager – Technical at AWS Amplify. Component Slots are a new Amplify Studio feature that allows you to pass content as children of your components. Last time, we outlined how to pass static content into a component generated by AWS Amplify Studio. Now, we will […]

Announcing the new Predictions category in Amplify Framework

The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications. Today, AWS announces a new category called “Predictions” in the Amplify Framework. Using this category, you can easily add and configure AI/ML uses cases for your web and mobile application using few lines of code. You can accomplish these use […]

Announcing: React Native Starter Project with One-Click AWS Deployment and Serverless Infrastructure

Update (February 18, 2019): This article was originally posted on September 19, 2017. At that time, AWS Mobile Hub was used to cloud-enable this React Native Starter project. Going forward, we recommend that developers use AWS Amplify to cloud enable your React Native, iOS, Android, and web application projects. That said, the solution below may […]

User Sign-in and Sign-up for Ionic Mobile Apps with Amazon Cognito

Going forward, we recommend that developers use AWS Amplify to cloud enable your Flutter, React Native, iOS, Android, and web projects. The solution below may be out of date and incomplete. We are working on a new modern solution utilizing the Amplify Framework. This post was written by Brice Pelle, AWS Technical Account Manager. In this […]

Web and Hybrid Mobile App Solution from AWS Mobile Hub and Ionic

AWS Mobile Hub and Ionic, an open source framework for building mobile apps, have teamed up to create an official Ionic starter project that demonstrates an end-to-end solution for hosting and building mobile web and hybrid applications on AWS. In this blog post, we explain what the project is, describe key areas, highlight additional use […]