Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Category: AWS Well-Architected

Automate Microsoft web application deployments with GitHub Actions and Terraform

Managing infrastructure deployments and application code releases can be challenging. Manual processes often lead to delays, errors, and inconsistency across different environments. This inconsistency, known as environment drift, makes it difficult to ensure reliable deployments. As a result, teams struggle to maintain a high release velocity. In this blog post, we will show how GitHub […]

How to generate TLS certificates for a highly available Remote Desktop Gateway Farm

Introduction In this blog post, I am going to show you how to generate, import, test, and troubleshoot a properly created Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate for a Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) farm. Secure management of your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances for Microsoft Windows Server is a top priority for any […]

Accelerate Microsoft Exchange Server deployments with AWS Launch Wizard

Managing your infrastructure as code improves consistency and reliability of your deployments. Using the AWS Launch Wizard for Exchange Server, you can deploy a reference architecture for Exchange Server according to best practices with minimal effort. In this post, we will discuss options available within the Launch Wizard and then deploy a fully functional Exchange […]

Increasing sustainability for your Microsoft workloads on AWS

Increasing sustainability for your Microsoft workloads on AWS

At re:Invent 2021, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched the sustainability pillar as part of the AWS Well-Architected framework. It focuses on minimizing the environmental impact of running cloud workloads. Key topics include a shared responsibility model for sustainability, understanding impact, and maximizing utilization to minimize required resources and reduce downstream impact. In this blog post, […]

Accelerate IIS for Windows Server deployments with AWS Launch Wizard

With our goal to enhance the customer experience of deploying enterprise workloads on AWS, we are excited to introduce one of our latest offerings – AWS Launch Wizard for Internet Information Services (IIS). To enable quick and simple deployments for IIS, Launch Wizard consolidates necessary configuration details into one wizard and orchestrates the provisioning of […]