AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS Cost and Usage Report

Best practices to optimize costs after mergers and acquisitions with AWS Organizations

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) offer organizations the opportunity to scale operations, diversify product lines, and capture new markets. However, they come with a set of challenges, such as the nuances of integrating legacy IT systems, complying with stringent regulations, and maintaining business continuity, etc. Eliminating the redundancy of resources and optimizing processes to bring consistency […]

Why a Cloud Operating Model?

A thought leadership blog highlighting an “innovative approach” to Cloud Operations excellence and Well-Architected goals. This blog walks you through MuleSoft carrying out this new approach including their: Challenge Innovation Journey Implementation of the Cloud Operating Model Challenge Whether companies are migrating to the cloud, or cloud-native, executives are faced with controlling costs and continuous […]

Audit and visualize ephemeral EC2 instances using AWS CloudTrail Lake as a zero-ETL data source in Amazon Athena

Today, we are happy to announce that AWS CloudTrail Lake data is now available for zero-ETL analysis in Amazon Athena. AWS CloudTrail Lake is a managed data lake for capturing, storing, accessing, and analyzing user and API activity on AWS for audit, security, and compliance purposes. CloudTrail Lake allows you to easily aggregate activity logs […]

Strategies to Distribute Visibility in Multi-account Environments

Speed matters in business, and AWS customers want to move quickly and securely when they choose to innovate and develop on our platform. As customers scale their AWS footprint, a majority of them adopt a multi-account strategy to separate their workloads and better enable their teams to build rapidly. The AWS multi-account strategy provides guidance […]

Feature Image for blog titled Using AWS Cost and Usage Reports and Cost Allocation Tags to understand VPC Flow Logs data ingestion costs in Amazon S3

Using AWS Cost and Usage Reports and Cost Allocation Tags to understand VPC Flow Logs data ingestion costs in Amazon S3

AWS customers enable the VPC Flow Logs feature in their accounts for security, governance, and auditing. They often have several teams who create VPC flow log subscriptions for their workloads and publish the data  to the same Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket as part of a centralized logging architecture. Customers need a way […]

Automating custom cost and usage tracking for member account owners in the AWS Migration Acceleration Program

This blog post was contributed by Kanishk Mahajan, AWS and Kalpana Roge, McAfee The AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) is a cloud migration program that helps enterprises achieve business benefits by migrating existing workloads to Amazon Web Services. MAP provides consulting support, training, and credits on AWS services to reduce risk, build a strong operational […]

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View AWS Trusted Advisor recommendations at scale with AWS Organizations

Since 2014, AWS Trusted Advisor has been providing customers with visibility into an individual AWS account and providing recommendations based on known AWS best practices. Trusted Advisor makes recommendations to help customers achieve a better security posture, control their costs, optimize application performance, design better fault tolerance, and maintain control over their AWS service limits […]