AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Adoption

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

With numerous AWS accounts in an organization, receiving an external security finding like a vulnerability assessment or pen test report impacting multiple resources can be challenging. Without a centralized resource viewing and search capability, identifying the affected resources require switching and inspecting each account individually, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Security vulnerabilities are time-sensitive, and […]

Unlocking the power: The keys to delivering successful Cloud Migrations

Despite the many benefits of moving to the Cloud, large enterprises frequently struggle to deliver migrations (and the related business transformation) in the planned timeframe. Why?  What are the key factors that ensure a successful migration that becomes an oft-quoted industry benchmark for a Cloud driven transformation; rather than a moribund initiative where a number […]

Organizational culture for Cloud Adoption

Maximize Cloud Adoption Benefits with a Well-Architected Organizational Culture

Organizational culture, often described as the “personality” of an organization, determines how people work, interact, and respond to change and challenges. There is strong recognition, supported by evidence, that an organization’s culture is a powerful determinant of transformation success. Culture’s impact is magnified in cloud transformation, where the cloud’s extraordinary capabilities are limited only by […]