AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: How-To

Use Systems Manager Automation documents to manage instances and cut costs off-hours

Cut costs by minimizing infrastructure when it’s not under heavy use, for example turning off EC2 and RDS instances nights and weekends. In this post you will learn how to do this using Systems Manager Automation Documents, State Manager, and CloudWatch Events.

How to get notified on specific Lambda function error patterns using CloudWatch

This post demonstrates how to automate alert notifications for specific AWS Lambda function errors using an Amazon CloudWatch log subscription. CloudWatch Logs let you invoke a Lambda function when a log entry matches a pattern. Amazon CloudWatch alarms are used to notify when an error occurs with a Lambda function; this notification does not give […]

Implementing Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator (STNO) in AWS Control Tower

Introduction Many of the customers that we have worked with are using advanced network architectures in AWS for multi-VPC and multi-account architectures. Placing workloads into separate Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) has several advantages, chief among them isolating sensitive workloads and allowing teams to innovate without fear of impacting other systems. Many companies are taking […]

Deploy AWS Config Rules and Conformance Packs using a delegated admin

AWS Config Rules allow customers to evaluate the configuration of resources against best practices and perform remediation when specified configuration policies are not being followed. Using AWS Config Conformance Packs, customers can create a collection of AWS Config rules and remediation actions in a single pack that can be deployed across AWS Organizations. This provides […]

Duplicating infrastructure on AWS

In large enterprise organizations, it’s challenging to maintain standardization across environments. This is especially true if these environments are provisioned in a self-service manner—and even more so when new users access these provisioning services. Once you have the resources deployed into an environment, it can be hard, or even impossible, to change it. In case […]

Improve governance and business agility using AWS Management and Governance videos

Curious to find solutions for managing your business on AWS? We always look at different ways to better serve our customers. One of the ways is to offer you video-based hands-on solutions addressing the common challenges faced by enterprises in managing and governing their AWS environments. Here’s a summary of videos published in AWS Management […]

Auto-populate instance details by integrating AWS Config with your ServiceNow CMDB

Introduction Many AWS customers either integrate ServiceNow into their existing AWS services or set up both ServiceNow and AWS services for simultaneous use. One challenge in this use case is the need to update your configuration management database (CMDB) when a new spin-up instance appears in AWS. This post demonstrates how to integrate AWS Config […]

Packaging to Distribution – Using AWS Systems Manager Distributor to deploy Datadog

AWS Systems Manager Distributor automates the process of packaging and publishing software to managed Windows and Linux instances across the cloud landscape, as well as to on-premises servers, through a single simplified interface. Customers can now leverage AWS Systems Manager Distributor to package custom software like monitoring agents and security agents, and then distribute them […]

Applying customizations automatically in AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate

During mandatory maintenance, AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate performs Chef Server and Chef Automate version, security, and operating system patching. Version updates for Chef go through extensive testing to verify they are production ready and don’t disrupt existing environments. When an instance is replaced, customers often ask how they can restore their custom settings in […]