AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

How to engage application teams during a cloud migration

Engaging effectively with application teams is key in scaling out your cloud migration initiative. Some application teams want minimal involvement in the migration process. Others view it as opportunity to enable their engineers and learn by doing. In this post, I discuss the pros and cons and suitability criteria of three engagement models. Deliver (“do-for” […]

Planning Migrations to successfully incorporate Generative AI

The recent rise of generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) solutions presents challenges to migrations that are in flight and to migrations that are just beginning. The business problem is that generative AI complicates cloud migrations by introducing additional risks related to data isolation, data sharing, and service costs. For example, the US Space Force has […]

Three Easy Steps to Make your Product More Accessible

Three Easy Steps to Make Your Product More Accessible

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD); a day of awareness intended to draw attention to accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities around the world. It is a perfect time to reflect on the importance of accessibility in the cloud. At Amazon Web Services (AWS), our guiding principle of customer obsession extends to our […]

Top Picks for Governance, Risk, and Compliance Sessions at re:Inforce 2024

Join us in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 10-12, 2024 for AWS re:Inforce, a cloud governance, compliance, and security conference. Attendees can expand their cloud security knowledge through hundreds of technical and non-technical sessions, engage with AWS experts and certified partners in the expo hall, and hear from AWS security leaders during keynotes. Whether you are […]

Featured Image: Create a data-driven Migration Business Case using AWS Cloud Value Framework

Create a data-driven Migration Business Case using AWS Cloud Value Framework

AWS customers realize more than a 5:1 ratio of benefits to investment costs over five years with breakeven on their investment occurring in an average of 10 months (source: “The Business Value of Amazon Web Services”, an IDC whitepaper). This blog aims to help Information Technology (IT) teams calculate this value using the tools needed […]

Accelerate your cloud migration journey to unlock innovation, increase resiliency, and optimize cost

The ability of businesses to innovate is constantly reshaped by disruptive events and technological advancements. Recent global events, such as the pandemic and the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), have compelled companies across various industries to reevaluate and make crucial strategic pivots. One such move has been the embrace of cloud computing. It’s a […]

Selecting your first workloads to migrate your organization to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Introduction Selecting your first workloads to migrate your organization to AWS is a key stage in delivering a successful migration. In this blog post we provide guidance on how to select early migration candidates. We cover how selecting these candidates can help to kick-off a successful migration, reduce risk, and build skills inside your organization. […]

Delivering Business Value with Cloud Platform Teams

Imagine a world where software developers build applications quickly on the cloud, focusing on innovative features, unburdened by complex infrastructure and intricate configurations. Welcome to the era of the cloud platform team. Cloud platform teams build internal tools, automation, and self-service infrastructure to free developers from commodity tasks and enable them to innovate faster. However, […]

Streamline Platform Engineering using AWS CodeStar Connections with AWS Service Catalog

Introduction AWS Service Catalog and AWS CloudFormation now support Git-sync capabilities to allow Platform Engineers to streamline their DevOps processes by keeping their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates in their source control libraries like GitHub and BitBucket. These enhancements help Platform Engineers to more effectively create, version, and manage their Well-Architected patterns with application teams […]

Accelerate troubleshooting with structured logs in Amazon CloudWatch

Accelerate troubleshooting with structured logs in Amazon CloudWatch

Troubleshooting often involves complex analysis across fragmented telemetry data. While alarms on metrics can signal high-level deviations, deeper context often resides in other areas such as log messages, which help uncover the root cause. This disjointed approach not only consumes time and effort, but also inflates telemetry costs. In this post, we’ll showcase how structured […]