AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Tag: AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection

Implementing an alarm to automatically detect drift in AWS CloudFormation stacks

AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and implement your Infrastructure as Code (IaC). It provisions and configures cloud resources as described in template files that are written in JSON or YAML. After resources have been created with CloudFormation, it is possible for users to alter those resources via the AWS Management Console, […]

Four ways to retrieve any AWS service property using AWS CloudFormation (Part 3 of 3)

This post is the last in a series on how to build customizations using AWS CloudFormation. In part 1, we introduced you to cfn-response and crhelper and discussed the scenarios they are best suited for. In part 2, we addressed a coverage gap in our public roadmap and showed you how to build an AWS […]

Automatic drift remediation solution architecture

Implement automatic drift remediation for AWS CloudFormation using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda

“Stack drift” is a common occurrence for organizations using AWS CloudFormation, and remediating stack drift represents a persistent and tedious challenge for organizations managing critical infrastructure with CloudFormation stacks. Stack drift occurs when the actual configuration of an infrastructure resource differs from its expected configuration. Typically, this is caused by users editing resources directly by […]