AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: AWS Multi-Account Management

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

Identify AWS resources at risk across your multi-account environment with AWS Organizations integrations

With numerous AWS accounts in an organization, receiving an external security finding like a vulnerability assessment or pen test report impacting multiple resources can be challenging. Without a centralized resource viewing and search capability, identifying the affected resources require switching and inspecting each account individually, which is time-consuming and inefficient. Security vulnerabilities are time-sensitive, and […]

Event Driven Architecture using Amazon EventBridge - Part 1

Event Driven Architecture using Amazon EventBridge – Part 1

This post is co-authored with Andy Suarez and Kevin Breton (from KnowBe4). For any successful growing organization, there comes a point when the technical architecture struggles to meet the demands of an expanding and interconnected business environment. The increasing complexity and technical debt in legacy systems create pain points that constrain innovation. To overcome these […]

How SMBs can deploy a multi-account environment quickly using AWS Organizations and AWS CloudFormation StackSets

Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) need to operate with high availability and mitigate security risks while keeping costs low. An AWS multi-account environment with workload isolation, robust access control, cost visualization, and integrated security mechanisms can help SMBs build a platform to support growth. SMBs want to deploy a multi-account environment on AWS quickly and […]

Streamline Platform Engineering using AWS CodeStar Connections with AWS Service Catalog

Introduction AWS Service Catalog and AWS CloudFormation now support Git-sync capabilities to allow Platform Engineers to streamline their DevOps processes by keeping their Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates in their source control libraries like GitHub and BitBucket. These enhancements help Platform Engineers to more effectively create, version, and manage their Well-Architected patterns with application teams […]

Optimize AWS Resource Management with Tag Inventory Reports leveraging AWS Resource Explorer

Customers are increasingly seeking an efficient solution to manage their expanding AWS resources, spanning AWS accounts and Regions, amidst changes like mergers, acquisitions, and cloud migrations. AWS Tags offer an effective solution for organizing, identifying, and filtering resources by categorizing them based on criteria such as purpose, owner, or environment. AWS customers would like to […]

Manage your AWS multi-account environment with Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)

Independent software vendors (ISVs) are AWS Partners who build products or services using AWS. Their workloads are typically diverse and require a flexible and customizable multi-account setup. Following are some examples: Backoffice workloads, which tend be deployed once and are then regularly updated, typically relying on commercial off-the-shelf software. Presales workloads, which are short lived […]

Self-service Account Provisioning Using AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow

Many customers are looking to adopt a multi-account strategy within their AWS environment. This allows customers to isolate their workloads into different environments including test, dev, and production in addition to separating workloads based on regulatory requirements. As customers scale their multi-account environments, one strategy to increase agility is to offer business units their own […]

Best practices for managing AWS account meta-data at scale

Best practices for managing AWS account meta-data at scale

As we all know, using multiple accounts on your AWS environment is one of the recommended best practices when organizing your workloads and your environment. Using multiple accounts brings multiple benefits allowing you to better leverage AWS services. However, AWS accounts are additional resources that you need to manage. In this blog post, you will […]

Provisioning access to security and audit teams in an AWS multi-account environment created by AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower offers the easiest way to set up and govern a secure, compliant, and multi-account AWS environment based on best practices established by working with thousands of enterprises. Organizations can leverage built-in preventive, proactive, and detective controls as a starting point to address the customer part of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. Control […]

Using AWS AppConfig to Manage Multi-Tenant SaaS Configurations

Using AWS AppConfig to Manage Multi-Tenant SaaS Configurations

As a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, you can benefit from a SaaS operating model in a number of ways. One of the most impactful benefits you can realize is improvements to your operational efficiency, and one of the fundamental techniques you can leverage is to maintain a single software version for all your […]