AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Management Tools

Using Single Sign-on with Azure Active Directory and Cloud Migration Factory for simplified identity management

In this blog post we’ll look at how to configure the AWS Cloud Migration Factory (CMF) solution to use SAML authentication. We will use an existing identity provider (in this case Azure Active Directory). However, this can be replicated with any IDP that offers SAML authentication. By federating existing logins and accounts with CMF, the […]

Configuring thresholds for creating health events in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor

Configuring thresholds for creating health events in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor

You can now configure thresholds for when Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor creates health events for your application’s internet traffic. Internet Monitor creates health events when availability or performance scores drop across your application’s monitored geographies. Overview of threshold configuration options Internet Monitor provides near-continuous internet measurements for your internet traffic, including availability and performance metrics, […]

CfCt AWS SAM blog

Simplify infrastructure deployments using Customizations for AWS Control Tower and AWS Serverless Application Model

Customers want flexibility and simpler ways to manage their AWS accounts. There are several ways customers can choose to customize their AWS account deployments at scale with flexibility such as Account Factory Customization (AFC), a native solution within AWS Control Tower account factory, or Customizations for Control Tower (CfCT), which this blog focuses on. To […]

Announcing AWS Config now supports recording exclusions by resource type

AWS Config is a service that tracks configuration changes of AWS resources in your AWS account. AWS Config uses the configuration recorder to detect these changes and then captures them as configuration items. The configuration recorder is created and started in each Region where you set up AWS Config. By default, the configuration recorder records […]

Automating Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Cleanup at Scale

Automating Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Cleanup at Scale

Do you have thousands of Amazon CloudWatch alarms across AWS Regions and want to quickly identify which ones are low-value alarms or misconfigured alarms across regions? Are you looking for ways to identify alarms which are in ‘ALARM’ or ‘IN_SUFFICIENT’ state for several days and need to be revisited? Do you need a cleanup mechanism […]

AWS Organizations, moving an organization member account to another organization: Part 1

AWS customers use AWS Organizations as the basis of a multi-account AWS environment as defined by the Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts AWS Whitepaper. Organizations is an AWS service that enables you to centrally manage and govern multiple accounts. Often there is a scenario when you must move an AWS account from one […]

Announcing inbound network access control in Amazon Managed Grafana

Many customers that use Amazon Managed Grafana have a need to restrict the Grafana workspace public access and enable fine-grained control to allow which traffic sources can reach the Grafana workspace. Today, we are announcing Amazon Managed Grafana’s new feature that supports inbound network access control. This enables you to secure Grafana workspaces using VPC […]

AWS Service Catalog Account Factory-Enhanced

Many enterprise customers who use AWS Control Tower to create accounts want an uncomplicated way to extend the next steps in the account creation process. These next steps cover common business use cases, including creating networks, security profiles, governance, and compliance. Executing these processes for every new account created manually is cumbersome and challenging to […]

Use AWS Systems Manager Automation to create input parameters that populate AWS resources as a dropdown list

As a Solution Architect at AWS, my customers regularly ask how to automate everyday operations within their cloud environment. Their use cases include a variety of operational needs, such as provisioning new resources within an AWS account, and patching/updating managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. They are also focused on cost management with […]

Announcing AWS Config Custom Rules using Guard Custom policy

AWS Config lets you evaluate your AWS resources with a desired configuration state using AWS Config Rules. In AWS Config, you can define two types of rules, managed rules and custom rules. Managed rules are AWS provided rules that will evaluate your resources with a predefined configuration state that address some of the most common […]