AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Using AWS X-Ray and AWS Application Cost Profiler to track tenant cost of shared AWS Infrastructure

In our last blog post, we introduced AWS Application Cost Profiler (ACP), where we discussed this new service that allows customers, running multi-tenant applications, to receive granular cost breakdowns of shared AWS resources across their tenants. AWS Application Cost Profiler provides customers, especially SaaS ISVs, with a standard mechanism to correlate and report their infrastructure cost for each customer or tenant. This granular, tenant-based view of costs allow ISVs to develop go-to-market strategies with tier-based support or consumption-based pricing for their products, and effectively manage multi-tenant architecture model costs. In addition, organizations running multi-tenant applications can utilize the data to define an accurate cost allocation model for chargeback purposes.

Application Cost Profiler requires application owners to instrument their application so that tenant usage meta data can be generated and used as input for Applicatoin Cost Profiler. We previously demonstrated instrumenting a sample application utilizing Amazon CloudWatch Logs. In that example, the tenant information was added to the Amazon CloudWatch Logs output, and a scheduled AWS Lambda function would process the log output hourly in order to generate the tenant usage metadata utilized by AWS Application Cost Profiler. In the following example, you will utilize trace summaries from AWS X-Ray to generate tenant usage metadata and integrate with AWS Application Cost Profiler.

Distributed tracing with AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray is a distributed tracing service helping developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built via a microservices architecture. These trace summaries generated by AWS X-Ray contain information about services and resources used in the request. By instrumenting your existing application that is using AWS X-Ray with tenant information, tenant usage metadata can then be generated for services like AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), and Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
     		AWSXRay.captureFunc("annotations", function (subsegment) {
              subsegment.addAnnotation("Tenant_id", event.tenantId);

Sample instrumentation using AWS X-Ray

Getting started with AWS Application Cost Profiler (ACP)

Getting started with AWS Application Cost Profiler (ACP) is a two-step process:

Step 1: Configure ACP to generate the consumption insights report.

Step 2: Instrument the application for tenant metadata.

Both steps can be completed in any order, but both must be completed before ACP can generate these insights. In order to save time for your initial set up, we created three helpful CloudFormation templates. See details in the sections below.

Step 1: Configure the Application Cost Profiler for reporting consumption insights

The Application Cost Profiler report configuration must be defined in the AWS Console, via the AWS CLI, or via one of the AWS SDKs. We will demonstrate how to configure this in the AWS console. The report configuration is to instruct Application Cost Profiler where to deliver the tenant cost reports. The destination is an Amazon S3 bucket with the proper permissions for the Application Cost Profiler to write the reports to.


For this walkthrough, you will need the following:

Setup S3 bucket and report configuration

  1. Log in to the AWS Console.
  2. Verify that Cost Explorer has been enabled (important, as AWS Application Cost Profiler will not process tenant usage data without Cost Explorer being enabled).

Click the launch stack button below to launch our first CloudFormation stack that will install and configure an S3 bucket with the proper Application Cost Profiler permissions and server side encryption settings, an AWS Event Bridge rule, and an SNS Topic for AWS Application Cost Profiler events that you can optionally subscribe to.

Interactive "launch stack" button

  1. Once the CloudFormation stack launch has completed, in the us-east-1 region use the console search function to navigate to the “AWS Application Cost Profiler” landing page.
  2. In the AWS Application Cost Profiler dashboard, click “Get started now”.

Screen shot of AWS Application Cost Profiler console with Get started now button highlighted

Figure 1: Sample Application cost profiler console.

  1. Setup a new report configuration:
    1. Report Name – This is user defined and cannot be changed once saved.
    2. Report Description – This is a user defined description of the report configuration (optional).
    3. S3 Bucket Name – This is the S3 bucket where AWS Application Cost Profiler will deliver the reports. This bucket was created via the previous CloudFormation template. This bucket is named “acp-{REGION}{ACCOUNT_ID}”, substituting {REGION} with the AWS region where the CloudFormation template was deployed, e.g., us-east-1, and substituting {ACCOUNT_ID} with the actual AWS account id utilized to deploy the CloudFormation template. For example, “acp-us-east-1-987654321”. This Report Bucket name can also be found in the “Resources” section of the CloudFormation stack deployed above.
    4. S3 Prefix – This is the prefix in the S3 bucket used above where AWS Application Cost Profiler will deliver the reports. The S3 bucket deployed in the CloudFormation template above enabled write permissions for the AWS Application Cost Profiler to the “reports” prefix. Therefore, enter “reports” for S3 prefix here.
    5. Time Frequency – Choose whether the report is generated Daily, Monthly, or Both.
    6. Report Output Format – Choose the file type that will be created within your Amazon S3 bucket. If you choose CSV, Application Cost Profiler creates a comma-separated values text file with gzip compression for the reports. If you choose Parquet, a Parquet file is generated for the reports.

AWS Application Cost Profiler configuration screen shot

Figure 2: Configure final report page in the Application cost profiler console

  1. Click the “Configure” button. Application Cost Profiler will verify the existence of the bucket defined above as well as the services write permissions to the prefix defined above. If successful, you will see a confirmation.

AWS Application Cost Profiler configuration screen shot showing successful save

Figure 3: Confirmation message in the Application cost profiler console

  1. Click “OK” to return to the AWS Application Cost Profiler.

Now that you’ve set up an S3 bucket destination with permissions as well as a report configuration within the AWS Cost Application Profiler console, you’re ready to prepare, upload, and import your tenant usage data.

Step 2: Reporting tenant usage data from your services – an example

In order to generate reports, AWS Application Cost Profiler requires you to provide tenant usage data. This information must be uploaded to an S3 location that AWS Application Cost Profiler has permissions to read from. The S3 bucket created in the first CloudFormation template above has granted AWS Application Cost Profiler read access to the “import/*” prefix.

* By giving Application Cost Profiler access to your usage data from S3 bucket, you allow Application Cost Profiler to temporarily copy such usage data objects to the US East (N. Virginia) AWS Region while processing reports. These data objects will be kept in the US East (N. Virginia) Region until the monthly report generation is complete. To avoid incurring data transfer charges, you can configure requester pays on bucket.

For example, let’s instrument a sample serverless application to track cost across your tenant base. Our second CloudFormation template will deploy a basic serverless application via Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda via AWS X-Ray for distributed tracing.

Serverless application architecture diagram showing API Gateway, Lambda, X-Ray, and DynamoDB

Figure 4: Higher level architecture diagram of a serverless application

Deploy the sample serverless application

  1. Log in to the AWS Console.
  2. Click the launch stack button below to launch the second CloudFormation stack that will install and configure the sample serverless application. This stack must be launched in the same region as the CloudFormation stack launched previously.

  1. Once this CloudFormation template has completed deploying, go to the Outputs stack section and note the the apiGatewayInvokeURL value. It will be in the following format:

  1. Using the apiGatewayInvokeURL identified above, open a web browser and paste the value into the location window. This will execute the sample serverless application simulating use by tenant “123”. Now, change the value after tenantId= in the browser location window to simulate multiple tenants, such as tenantId=10 or tenantId=20, etc., pressing enter each time to execute the sample serverless application. Invoking this endpoint in a browser will cause the lambda function to execute and generate a AWS X-Ray trace annotation containing the tenant information. Additionally, you can use utilities like JMeter to simulate hundreds or even thousands of tenants invoking this sample serverless application.

PLEASE NOTE: This serverless application is one of several approaches you can use to track tenant usage. AWS Application Cost Profiler requires the tenant usage report to be in the CSV file format only, which is the end result of this example. As mentioned, your tenant usage CSV report can be generated in many different ways, depending on your application architecture and current tenant model.

Now that the tenant id is available in the Lambda CloudWatch logs of the sample serverless application, it’s time to generate the tenant usage data file. This file must be structured in the format shown below. As a reminder, only CSV files with file names like “.csv”, “.csv.gz”, .and “csv.gzip” are supported by ACP.

Table 1: Application Tenant Usage Data Elements

Field Description
ApplicationId Identifies the application or product being used in your system. Defines the tenant metadata scope.
TenantId An identifier in your system for the tenant consuming the specified resource. Application Cost Profiler aggregates to this level within the ApplicationId.
TenantDesc (Value Optional) Additional data about the tenant for your additional reporting.
UsageAccountId The account that the resource runs in (important for accounts within an organization).
StartTime Timestamp (in milliseconds) from Epoch, in UTC. Indicates the start time of the period for usage by the specified tenant.
EndTime Timestamp (in milliseconds) from Epoch, in UTC. Indicates the end time of the period for usage by the specified tenant.
ResourceId Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for resource being used.
Name (Optional) As an alternative to specifying a ResourceId, specify a Name resource tag to attribute costs to a resource set (the field must include the value you want to use for the Name tag). Resource tags are enabled as part of your Cost and Usage Report. For more information about resource tags, see Resource tags details in the Cost and Usage Report User Guide.

** *ApplicationId, TenantId, TenantDesc, UsageAccountId, StartTime, EndTime, and ResourceId* are AWS Application Cost Profiler-reserved keywords and cannot be used as name tag names.

In this example we will generate the tenant usage data according to the format above by processing and reading the information from the CloudWatch logs of the lambda function we want to report on. For the instrumentation infrastructure, we will utilize the following AWS technologies/resources:

  1. X-Ray Traces: This provides the necessary information to generate tenant usage data files for the example Lambda. Other telemetry, observability, and logging solutions can be used as well.
  1. Amazon CloudWatch Events: This triggers the instrumentation lambda hourly,  submits hourly tenant usage data to the AWS Application Cost Profiler.
  2. Lambda Function: This extracts information from CloudWatch Logs, generate the tenant usage data files, and upload the files to the S3 bucket created in the CloudFormation template deployed above.
  3. Identity and Access Management (IAM): The right IAM policy must be in place for the Lambda function to write to the S3 bucket.
  4. CloudFormation templates: We will utilize a CloudFormation template so you can easily deploy the sample function and trigger that to generate hourly tenant usage data.

Deploy the sample tenant usage generator

  1. Log in to the AWS Console.
  2. Click the launch stack button below to launch our third CloudFormation stack that will install and configure the X-Ray tenant usage generator example (ACP_Xraytracesgenerator). This stack must be launched in the same region as the CloudFormation stack launched previously. The environment variable for “lambdafunctioname” is preset to “ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator”, which is the name of the Lambda function that was deployed in the previous CloudFormation template. This is the Lambda function for which the corresponding X-Ray Traces will be analyzed for tenant usage data.

With the above stack deployed, and assuming that the original AWS Lambda function to be reported on has been run in the last hour, you should now see a new file created in the acp-{REGION}-{ACCOUNT_ID} bucket under the “imports” prefix for every hour that the ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator function executes on the schedule defined above. The file will contain tenant usage data in the csv format similar to this:

ApplicationId TenantId TenantDesc UsageAccountId StartTime EndTime ResourceId
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant3 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868822240.0100 1625868822306.7000 arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant3 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868822248.0000 1625868822305.0000 arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789:table/acpdemo
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant2 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868818021.0100 1625868818055.0900 arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant2 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868818022.0000 1625868818053.0000 arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789:table/acpdemo
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant4 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868826495.3300 1625868826553.9600 arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant4 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868826507.0000 1625868826552.0000 arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789:table/acpdemo
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant1 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868813094.5400 1625868813203.6500 arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator
DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator Tenant1 Generating data for ACP 123456789 1625868813115.0000 1625868813201.0000 arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789:table/acpdemo

The Step Functions state machine will also invoke the ACP_SubmitTenantdata Lambda Function which informed AWS Application Cost Profiler to process the generated file during the nightly and/or monthly report generation cycle.

Application Cost Profiler Data

If the time frequency for your Application Cost Profiler (ACP) report was set up as daily, then it can take up to 24 hours to see a generated report in s3. Utilizing the above CloudFormation setup, the ACP data will be placed in S3://acp-{REGION}-{ACCOUNT_ID}/reports/YYYY/MM/DD/part-*.csv.gz accordingly. An Amazon EventBridge event will also be generated when ACP data is available in the following format:

   "version": "0",
   "id": "01234567-EXAMPLE",
   "detail-type": "Application Cost Profiler Report Generated",
   "source": "aws.application-cost-profiler",
   "account": "123456789012",
   "time": "2021-03-31T10:23:43Z",
   "region": "us-east-1",
   "resources": [],
   "detail": {
     "message": "Application Cost Profiler report delivered in bucket: acp-us-east-1-123456789, key: reports/2020/05/01/ part-c744af14-57bd-4c51-b1d4-badc155ef7ef-c000.csv.gz"

The following data is available in the tenant cost csv file generated by ACP:

Table 2: AWS Application Cost Profiler Tenant Cost Breakdown Elements on output file

Column name Description
PayerAccountId The management account ID in an organization, or the account ID if the account is not part of AWS Organizations.
UsageAccountId The account ID for the account with usage.
LineItemType The type of record. Always Usage.
UsageStartTime Timestamp (in milliseconds) from Epoch, in UTC. Indicates the start time of the period for usage by the specified tenant.
UsageEndTime Timestamp (in milliseconds) from Epoch, in UTC. Indicates the end time of the period for usage by the specified tenant.
ApplicationIdentifier The ApplicationId specified in the usage data sent to Application Cost Profiler.
TenantIdentifier The TenantId specified in the usage data sent to Application Cost Profiler. Data with no record in the usage data is collected in unattributed.
TenantDescription The TenantDesc specified in the usage data sent to Application Cost Profiler.
ProductCode The AWS product being billed (for example, AmazonEC2).
UsageType The type of usage being billed (for example, BoxUsage:c5.large).
Operation The operation being billed (for example, RunInstances).
ResourceId The resource ID or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource being billed.
ScaleFactor If a resource is over-allocated for an hour, for example if the usage data reported is equal to 2 hours instead of 1 hour, a scale factor is applied to make the total equal to the actual billed amount (in this case, 0.5). This column reports the scale factor used for the specific resource for that hour. The scale factor is always greater than zero (0) and less than or equal to 1.
TenantAttributionPercent The percentage of usage attributed to the specified tenant (between zero (0) and 1).
UsageAmount The usage amount attributed to the specified tenant.
CurrencyCode The currency that the rate and cost are in (for example, USD).
Rate The usage billing rate, per unit.
TenantCost The total cost for that resource for the specified tenant.
Region The AWS Region of the resource.
Name If you created resource tags for your resources on the Cost and Usage report, or through the resource usage data, then the Name tag is shown here. For more information about resource tags, see Resource tags details in the Cost and Usage Report User Guide.

The following is an example of the actual CSV output in the ACP report.

PayerAccountId UsageAccountId LineItemType UsageStartTime UsageEndTime ApplicationIdentifier TenantIdentifier TenantDescription ProductCode UsageType Operation ResourceId ScaleFactor TenantAttributionPercent UsageAmount CurrencyCode Rate TenantCost Region
123456789 123456789 Usage 2021-07-08T17:00:00.000Z 2021-07-08T18:00:00.000Z DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 101 Generating data for ACP AWSLambda Request Invoke arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 1 0.06959188 0.55673504 USD 0 0 us-east-1
123456789 123456789 Usage 2021-07-08T17:00:00.000Z 2021-07-08T18:00:00.000Z DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 101 Generating data for ACP AWSLambda Lambda-GB-Second Invoke arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 1 0.06959188 0.035004716 USD 0 0 us-east-1
123456789 123456789 Usage 2021-07-08T17:00:00.000Z 2021-07-08T18:00:00.000Z DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 100 Generating data for ACP AWSLambda Request Invoke arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 1 0.440249691 3.521997528 USD 0 0 us-east-1
123456789 123456789 Usage 2021-07-08T17:00:00.000Z 2021-07-08T18:00:00.000Z DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 100 Generating data for ACP AWSLambda Lambda-GB-Second Invoke arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:ACP_DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 1 0.440249691 0.221445595 USD 0 0 us-east-1
123456789 123456789 Usage 2021-07-08T17:00:00.000Z 2021-07-08T18:00:00.000Z DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 101 Generating data for ACP AmazonDynamoDB WriteRequestUnits PayPerRequestThroughput arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789:table/acpdemo 1 0.076719577 0.613756614 USD 0.00000125 7.67E-07 us-east-1
123456789 123456789 Usage 2021-07-08T17:00:00.000Z 2021-07-08T18:00:00.000Z DynamoDBSourceDataGenerator 100 Generating data for ACP AmazonDynamoDB WriteRequestUnits PayPerRequestThroughput arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789:table/acpdemo 1 0.439153439 3.513227513 USD 0.00000125 4.39E-06 us-east-1

This CSV file can then be directly queried via Amazon Athena or integrated into your existing analytics and reporting tools such as Amazon Quicksight like in this example. Customers using Parquet can also conduct the same analysis.

Example visualization of AWS Application Cost Profiler report data
Figure 5: Sample Amazon QuickSight Dashboard


In this walkthrough, you have setup a new ACP report configuration including a destination S3 Report Bucket with appropriate permissions. Then, you completed the process of generating tenant usage data for a sample Lambda application, imported the usage data into ACP, and received result reports.

Our service team provides reference implementation guidance for different architecture patterns in order to facilitate the instrumentation. We also have a dedicated Solution Architects team for support through the instrumentation and facilitating onboarding. If you need onboarding support, contact us at or contact your account team.

To better understand the value and importance of cost per tenant, refer to the Calculating Tenant Costs in a SaaS Environment blog post, as well as the AWS re:Invent session outlining the basic approach and challenges associated with capturing this information.

About the authors

Ryan Peterson

Ryan Peterson is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in Irvine, CA. Ryan works closely with the ISVs and SaaS providers providing help and guidance to a broad range of AWS Services.

Venkata Kampana

Venkata Kampana is a Senior Solutions Architect in the AWS Health and Human Services team and is based in Sacramento, CA. In that role, he helps public sector customers achieve thier mission objectives with well-architected solutions on AWS