Networking & Content Delivery

Category: AWS Lambda

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Secure your Lambda function URLs using Amazon CloudFront origin access control

In 2022, we launched Lambda function URLs as a simple way to configure an HTTPS endpoint for your AWS Lambda function without having to learn, configure, and operate additional services. Customers who want to improve the performance and security of their applications running with Lambda function URLs can deploy Amazon CloudFront in front of Lambda function URLs […]

Orchestrate disaster recovery automation using Amazon Route 53 ARC and AWS Step Functions

Note: To learn more about Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC), we recommend you read Part 1 and Part 2 of the series, and try out the examples. It demonstrates how the ARC service allows you to coordinate failovers and the recovery readiness of your application. In this blog post, we provide […]

Choosing the right health check with Elastic Load Balancing and EC2 Auto Scaling

Customers frequently use Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) load balancers and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups (ASG) to build scalable, resilient workloads. When configured correctly, Amazon ELB health checks help make your workload more resilient to failures in your workload components behind the load balancer. However, you may need to make tradeoffs for handling different failure […]

Automating HTTP/S Redirects and certificate management at scale

Organizations today use many ways to drive traffic to their websites and applications. This is important for new feature launches, marketing campaigns, advertising, and so on. One common approach uses HTTP/S redirects, where you send a user from one domain, or Uniform Resource Locator (URL), to another. Redirects are incredibly useful tools when moving websites, […]

Geo-block Content Using Amazon Location and Edge Services

Organizations require methods to restrict access to content to adhere to compliance and regulatory requirements, sanctions, privacy laws, territorial ownership rights, security controls, etc. One way that companies restrict access is by Geo-blocking – restricting access to a website or another piece of content based on a user’s location. A popular method of geo-blocking content is […]

Hybrid inspection architectures with AWS Local Zone

Hybrid inspection architectures with AWS Local Zones

Customers often ask about hybrid security inspection architecture patterns for latency-sensitive applications, where they want to run their workloads inside of AWS Local Zones, to perform security inspection but without compromising latency. In this post, we share some hybrid inspection architectures with traffic flows, where both workloads and security inspection appliances run inside of the […]

Automating Domain Delegation for Public Applications in AWS

Security is top priority at AWS. Cybersecurity and digital risk management are the primary considerations of customers when ensuring that security and trust are always in place for a secure data and cloud infrastructure. These concerns are even more critical for public internet facing applications, which are accessed using a public domain. In AWS Cloud, […]

Automated VPC prefix list population for cross-Region and in-Region security group referencing

AWS customers regularly use the ability to reference another security group in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), or a peered VPC in the same Region, as a dynamic reference. This ability allows customers who have highly ephemeral workloads to adopt the practice of least privilege more easily. We do not currently support security […]

Calculating data transfer leveraging Amazon VPC flow logs

Introduction There are several factors that contribute towards your overall costs incurred in AWS cloud. When it comes to networking, many customers ask about data transfer charges. You pay a Data Transfer charge when you send data out from AWS to Internet, between AWS Regions, or between Availability Zones (AZ). Today, there are multiple ways […]

Enabling granular operational visibility for CloudFront with CloudWatch

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic web content using a global network of edge locations. CloudFront integrates natively with Amazon CloudWatch to provide monitoring and observability capabilities. With the introduction of CloudFront real-time logs, it is now possible to create highly granular custom metrics in CloudWatch to view […]