Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Lambda@Edge

Tenant routing strategies for SaaS applications on AWS

A key challenge for SaaS providers is designing secure, scalable tenant routing mechanisms to identify tenants and route requests to appropriate resources. Effective tenant routing ensures isolation, scalability, and security. This post explores strategies for routing HTTP requests in multi-tenant SaaS environments on AWS, including considerations, best practices, and example scenarios. For routing strategies at […]

Tag-based invalidation in Amazon CloudFront

In this post, we demonstrate how to implement tag-based invalidation in Amazon CloudFront with Lambda@Edge, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and AWS Step Functions. This post provides you with a reference architecture and sample code artifacts to help you deploy and test tag-based invalidation. Let’s look at some use cases where tagging pages together might be […]

Optimize SEO with Amazon CloudFront

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages. Since organic search is a primary way for viewers to discover online content, a solid SEO strategy involves optimizing your web application and maintaining good performance. As more than 92% of the internet searches happen on […]

Limiting requests to a web application using a Gatekeeper Solution

Many types of organizations encounter DDOS attacks daily. DDoS, or Distributed Denial of Service, is an attack pattern that generates fake traffic to overwhelm organisation’s properties (websites, APIs, applications, etc.) and make it unavailable to legitimate users. They majority of these attacks involve a huge burst of fake traffic that exhausts the application’s resources (Memory […]

Reduce latency for end-users with multi-region APIs with CloudFront

As organizations grow, they must often serve geographically dispersed users with low latency, prompting them to have a distributed global infrastructure in the cloud. In this article, we describe how to deploy global API endpoints to reduce latency for end-users while increasing an application’s availability. By using the AWS Global Network and Amazon CloudFront to deploy applications into multiple […]

Introducing multi-function packager, allowing more than one function per event trigger on Amazon CloudFront

In this post, you’ll learn about the ‘multi-function packager’ framework that handles the assembly and execution of discrete Edge functions. Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that improves the performance, availability, and security of your application, allowing you to serve a consistent experience to your viewers globally. Lambda@Edge and CloudFront Functions are the […]

External Server Authorization with Lambda@Edge

Introduction In this blog post, we will explain how you can use Lambda@Edge to authorize requests to Amazon CloudFront by forwarding authorization data to external authorization servers. We will outline the sequence of requests in such a workflow, the steps for implementation with Node.js sample code, and a CloudFormation template for a simple external test […]

How to optimize content for search engines with AWS WAF Bot Control and Amazon CloudFront

Search engine crawlers – a special bot type used to index your site – are very important visitors. They make sure that your content is searchable by end users. If a crawler can’t easily read your content, then any updates you make might not be immediately reflected in the search results. Depending on the algorithms […]

Using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon S3 to build multi-Region active-active geo proximity applications

In today’s digital-first business environment with a globally distributed customer base, it becomes important to adopt an architecture that helps customers deliver digital assets to end-users with the lowest possible latency based on the geo-proximity of assets to the end user. Companies with digital assets stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) commonly configure the traffic to be […]

Signed cookie-based authentication with Amazon CloudFront and AWS Lambda@Edge: Part 2 – Authorization

In this two-part blog series, you will learn how to use email addresses and domain names for user authentication. With this method, you restrict credentials-free user access to a static website. In this second part of the blog series, you will learn how to implement the authorization mechanism. In the previous blog post, you learnt […]