Networking & Content Delivery

Bringing delivery closer to end users with Amazon CloudFront Embedded POPs

Fifteen years ago, Amazon CloudFront launched with 14 edge locations scattered around the world.  Since then, it’s been exciting to see how quickly we’ve grown to now having over 600 CloudFront Points of Presence (POPs) in more than 100 cities and 50 countries worldwide. We have continued to build and innovate, finding new ways to […]

Introduction to mTLS for ALB

Introducing mTLS for Application Load Balancer

AWS recently announced support for mutually authenticating clients that present X509 certificates to Application Load Balancer (ALB). In this post, we discuss options for implementing this new feature, and things to consider while implementing. ALB operates at the application layer (layer 7 in the OSI model) and load balances incoming HTTP/HTTPS requests to backend targets. […]

Programmatically deploying CloudFront distributions in AWS China Regions

Programmatically deploying CloudFront distributions in AWS China Regions

To operate websites, mobile apps, or services accessible to public users in China, companies should complete internet content provider (ICP) recordal and host systems on local servers or approved cloud servers located in mainland China. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers AWS China Regions, two Regions situated in China that allow customers to host websites and […]

How to optimize DNS for dual-stack networks

Public IPv4 addresses have been a scarce resource going all the way back to 2011, when the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) distributed the last block of unallocated public IPv4 addresses. Alongside, the private IPv4 range carved out by RFC1918 has also been too small for large networks and deployments, like containers that consume a […]

Orchestrate disaster recovery automation using Amazon Route 53 ARC and AWS Step Functions

Note: To learn more about Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC), we recommend you read Part 1 and Part 2 of the series, and try out the examples. It demonstrates how the ARC service allows you to coordinate failovers and the recovery readiness of your application. In this blog post, we provide […]

Streamline access to most used AWS services using VPC Endpoints

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoints, powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) PrivateLink, can be used to privately connect your applications to AWS services as if they were in your VPC. For enterprises that use many AWS services, it may be difficult to understand which services are being used most often and therefore can […]

Promoting customer choice: AWS takes another step to lower costs for customers changing IT providers

Changing IT providers has always required time, effort, and money, but cloud computing has made that process easier than ever. Before cloud services, switching was often prohibitively difficult and expensive: over a multi-year process, companies would make up-front investments in new hardware and rewrite software to conform to their new provider’s proprietary operating system. At […]

Using AWS Transit Gateway Flow Logs to chargeback data processing costs in a multi-account environment

Many AWS customers use consolidated billing, and often need to allocate costs across their internal business units or accounts. This can be challenging when dealing with services that are shared by all accounts. For general chargebacks, some customers use cost allocation tags for this purpose. However, at the time of writing this post, there is […]

How Glovo migrated their self-managed VPN solution to AWS Client VPN

How Glovo migrated their self-managed VPN solution to AWS Client VPN In this blog post Glovo shares how they migrated their ~4000 TLS virtual private network (VPN) users from their self-managed OpenVPN Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) solution to AWS Client VPN by also integrating with OneLogin for authentication and authorization. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Client […]

Gain secure access to on-premises applications with AWS Verified Access

AWS Verified Access (AVA) provides secure access to applications from anywhere. AVA removes the need for a VPN, which simplifies the remote connectivity experience for end users and reduces the management complexity for IT administrators. But does the application need to be running in AWS to use AVA? The answer is No.  If you have […]