Networking & Content Delivery

Tag: Security

How to use AWS WAF Bot Control for Targeted Bots signals and mitigate evasive bots with adaptive user experience

Introduction The AWS WAF Bot Control rule group includes rules for detecting and managing bot threats. These threats range from easily identified common bots through to coordinated targeted bots that evade detection by operating across multiple hosts. Like any other security controls, Amazon Web Services (AWS) WAF Bot Control for Targeted Bots rules can also […]

Protect against bots with AWS WAF Challenge and CAPTCHA actions

Protecting against bot threats requires insights into the client environment beyond what is available through network-level characteristics of a request, such as TCP or HTTP payload signatures. AWS WAF uses CAPTCHA and Challenge actions to undertake a client-side interaction, whether on a mobile device or browser, to understand this client environment before they can be […]

Introducing CloudFront Security Dashboard, a Unified CDN and Security Experience

Introducing CloudFront Security Dashboard, a Unified CDN and Security Experience

As security threats have become more sophisticated and easier to scale, customers increasingly use Amazon CloudFront and AWS WAF together to improve the performance, resiliency, and security of their web applications and APIs. CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that reduces latency by delivering data to viewers anywhere in the world using one of […]

Mitigate Common Web Threats with One Click in Amazon CloudFront

You can now add AWS WAF protections to Amazon CloudFront distributions with one click. In this walkthrough, we will guide you through setting up and monitoring protections offered by this new feature along with pricing and additional security recommendations. This blog relates to Amazon CloudFront — a AWS service that you can use to deliver […]

Geo-block Content Using Amazon Location and Edge Services

Organizations require methods to restrict access to content to adhere to compliance and regulatory requirements, sanctions, privacy laws, territorial ownership rights, security controls, etc. One way that companies restrict access is by Geo-blocking – restricting access to a website or another piece of content based on a user’s location. A popular method of geo-blocking content is […]

AWS Verified Access Integration with 3rd party identity providers

AWS Verified Access (AVA) offers a solution to the challenges faced by enterprises by managing remote workforce connectivity through traditional remote access VPNs. It allows remote employees to securely access corporate applications over the Internet while authenticating and authorizing each request. Unlike traditional VPN systems, which lack granularity for application-level authentication and authorization, AVA implements […]

AWS Network Optimization Tips

When thinking about architecture, it’s very common to come across scenarios where there is no right or wrong answer – the best answer is “it depends”. You must carefully consider the tradeoffs between cost, performance, reliability, and operational efficiency before coming to a decision. A little planning ahead of time can help you avoid numerous […]

Amazon CloudFront introduces Origin Access Control (OAC)

Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network that securely delivers applications, websites, videos, and APIs to viewers across the globe in milliseconds. Using CloudFront, customers can access different types of origin services to suit their use cases. One of the performant architectures customers adopt is to use Amazon S3 as the origin to host […]

Restricting access on HTTP API Gateway Endpoint with Lambda Authorizer

Customers use Amazon API Gateway APIs for critical production applications ranging from simple HTTP proxies to full-blown API management with request transformation, authentication, and validation. Starting in 2019, HTTP APIs have provided an enhanced alternative to the traditional API Gateway REST APIs, with HTTP APIs offering up to 60% latency reduction, 71% cost reduction, and […]