AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Analytics

How to use Amazon Lookout for Vision Python SDK

Amazon Lookout for Vision Python SDK: Cross-validation and Integration with Other AWS Services

Learn how to use the open source Python SDK for Lookout for Vision in either AWS Glue or AWS Lambda to quickly identify differences in images of objects at scale.

Increase app responsiveness with MongoDB Realm mobile database and AWS Wavelength

This post was contributed by Robert Oberhofer, Senior Director of Technology Partnerships at MongoDB. This blog post introduces MongoDB Realm, and examines its core characteristics and key benefits. While Realm is widely used for building mobile applications, its capabilities are also relevant for other problem spaces, including IoT and Edge. Introduction to Realm Realm database […]

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Introducing AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap

Organizations running workloads in Amazon Web Services (AWS) often must search and analyze logs to troubleshoot or investigate operations, governance, or security events. Amazon Athena enables AWS customers to search and analyze log data directly from in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL queries. Additionally, we understand that customers need a common […]

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Keeping clients of OpenSearch and Elasticsearch compatible with open source

The OpenSearch project is a long-term investment in a secure, high-quality, Apache-2.0 licensed search and analytics suite with a rich roadmap of innovative functionality. OpenSearch aims to provide wire compatibility with open source distributions of Elasticsearch 7.10.2, the software from which it was derived. This makes it easy for developers to migrate their applications to […]

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OpenSearch 1.0 launches

In April this year, we introduced OpenSearch, a community-driven, open source search and analytics suite derived from open source Elasticsearch 7.10.2 and Kibana 7.10.2. The project consists of a search engine (OpenSearch), a visualization and user interface (OpenSearch Dashboards), and the advanced features from Open Distro for Elasticsearch (our previous distribution of Elasticsearch) such as […]

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Introducing OpenSearch

Today, we are introducing the OpenSearch project, a community-driven, open source fork of Elasticsearch and Kibana. We are making a long-term investment in OpenSearch to ensure users continue to have a secure, high-quality, fully open source search and analytics suite with a rich roadmap of new and innovative functionality. This project includes OpenSearch (derived from […]

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Leverage deep learning in Scala with GPU on Spark 3.0

This post was contributed by Qing Lan, Carol McDonald, and Kong Zhao. With the growing interest in deep learning (DL), more users are using DL in their production environments. Because DL requires intensive computational power, developers are leveraging GPUs to do their training and inference jobs. As part of a major Apache Spark initiative to […]

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Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch

Last week, Elastic announced they will change their software licensing strategy, and will not release new versions of Elasticsearch and Kibana under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (ALv2). Instead, new versions of the software will be offered under the Elastic License (which limits how it can be used) or the Server Side Public License (which […]

The Instaclustr sign of open source success

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. Visit the website to learn more. In a 2001 interview, Brian Behlendorf, then president of the Apache Software Foundation, was asked to identify the most foundational right in open source—the thing that, if removed, makes open source not open source. His response? […]