AWS Public Sector Blog

April 2019 Top Blog Roundup

April showers meant more cloud updates for the public sector. These were the top five posts from the past month.

1. University of California, Berkeley uses AWS Educate and Amazon FPGA Instances in Undergraduate Computer Architecture Course

As the spring 2019 semester began, 60 plus junior and senior computer science students at the University of California, Berkeley started their “Computer Science 152” course. An elective within the Computer Science (CS) division, the class consists of a series of lab assignments aimed to teach computer architecture and major concepts used in modern microprocessors. In CS152, students study real RISC-V microprocessor designs implemented in the Chisel hardware description language, and simulate them with FireSim, which runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) F1 instances in the cloud. Read more.

2. Introducing a virtual robotics classroom on AWS Educate

AWS Educate has launched a RoboMaker Classroom in collaboration with AWS RoboMaker to provide students, researchers, and educators with a new way to accelerate robotics learning. This centralized classroom has been the most requested feature by instructors who want to use AWS RoboMaker with their students. Read more.

3. Maritime Operations – Automating Operational Quality Assurance with AWS and Open Data

nauticAi is a maritime startup from Finland, specializing in affordable intelligent awareness solutions for ship operators. The company’s BOQA-solution (Bridge Operations Quality Assurance) automates the Operational Quality Assurance of maritime operations with proven methods from the flight industry. A few key components in their solution include open weather data from NOAA and Finnish FMI, Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and a serverless AWS architecture using AWS Lambda and Amazon Aurora. Read more.

4. How technology and the cloud bring transparency to citizen data

As technology makes it easier to connect with constituents, state and local governments are looking to build systems centered around and empowered by the citizen experience. This is especially the case with health and social services agencies. Read more.

5. Environmental Problem Solvers: University of California Santa Barbara Builds Machine Learning Tool to Measure Chemical Impact

Currently, there are 150 million chemicals registered and managed by the American Chemical Society. Every day, 15,000 to 20,000 new chemicals are registered. These chemicals are present in everything from our household cleaning products to the food we eat. But how do these chemicals affect us? And how do they affect the environment? Read more.

For other cloud news and updates from the public sector, find more stories on the front page of our AWS Government, Education, & Nonprofits Blog.

AWS Public Sector Blog Team

AWS Public Sector Blog Team

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Sector Blog team writes for the government, education, and nonprofit sector around the globe. Learn more about AWS for the public sector by visiting our website (, or following us on Twitter (@AWS_gov, @AWS_edu, and @AWS_Nonprofits).