AWS Public Sector Blog

AWS launches AWS GovTechStart to help GovTech startups

AWS GovTechStart

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of AWS GovTechStart, a new program intended to help early-stage commercial government technology (GovTech) startups build solutions on AWS for state and local governments across the United States. AWS GovTechStart is a virtual GovTech accelerator, modeled after AWS EdStart, which offers eligible companies support including access to equity-free AWS Promotional Credit, technical training and support, a community of GovTech experts, and more.

AWS GovTechStart is investing in startups that are innovating solutions for agencies within the United States state and local government sectors, including health and human services, justice and public safety, smart cities, transportation, and elections. These startups are changing the way their government customers serve their citizens. Through open data initiatives, public safety modernization, citizen service improvements, infrastructure programs and more, governments are turning to the cloud to provide the cost-effective, scalable, secure, and flexible infrastructure needed to make a difference.

If you have a big idea for a company that can help enable government entities to better serve its citizens, AWS GovTechStart is designed to help. By joining the complimentary program, AWS GovTechStart Members will have access to technical experts, education, and live/virtual events. Your solutions will be built on the same scalable platform used by QLess, Juvare, OpenGov, and SOMA Global.

GovTech companies who meet the AWS GovTechStart participation criteria are encouraged to apply. Applications should include a plan for an innovative solution for citizens that solves a current problem and/or disrupts current models. For further information and terms related to participation criteria, visit our webpage.

From idea to IPO and beyond, AWS looks to continually help improve government technology services and solutions. Through AWS GovTechStart, qualifying GovTech startups can get low cost, simple-to-use infrastructure designed to enable it to scale and grow a business of any size.

GovTech startups and industry experts weigh in on the value of this new AWS initiative

During the development of the program, AWS worked with several GovTech startups as pilot members, fine tuning the program for the distinct needs of the government technology sector. Hear how three of these GovTech companies and an expert in the startup sector expect AWS GovTechStart to benefit their work and accelerate development of new cloud-based technologies:

NG911 Services, Inc., provides technology services that accurately route emergency services calls for the public and private sectors. The company’s innovative approach replaces formerly manual processes by integrating a data visualization portal, cell coverage decision-tree workflows, and routing optimizer tools to deliver vital data for location-based routing. These mission-critical interfaces allow wireless service providers to get the 9-1-1 call to the right agency the first time.

“NG911 Services’ purpose is saving lives, and improving the lives of those who save them by getting emergency calls to the right agency the first time. The resources and assistance AWS provides to GovTechs has been incredibly helpful in building solutions for today and the future. It gets lonely as a founder sometimes, but less so because of AWS’ persistent support! We are very excited about the launch of AWS GovTechStart and look forward to being part of an even larger community of startup companies revolutionizing the industry,” said Don Mitchell, chief technology officer (CTO)/chief operations officer (COO) and co-founder, NG911 Services, Inc.

Prefix has a goal of assisting vulnerable populations by making human service and healthcare benefits easy to access, efficient, and sustainable. Their technology is designed to support eligibility determination and fund management to support applications and the organizations that assist them.

“Our vision is to make Prefix synonymous with health and human services benefits by providing every benefit system available, providing convenient access to residents, and reducing fraud for agencies delivering benefits. AWS has helped us leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to build solutions that meet customer needs at scale. We look forward to the benefits we will gain by joining the new AWS GovTechStart program for startups,” said Nimesh Patel, chief executive officer (CEO), Prefix.

Baltimore’s Emerging Technology Centers (ETC) promote economic growth by providing its member companies with the resources they need—including access to seed capital, mentors, potential partners, and a collaborative community—to accelerate delivery of services.

“The Baltimore ETC knows the importance of supporting innovative startup founders building solutions for government agencies so they can better serve Baltimore and our community. We devoted our AccelerateBaltimore 2020 cohort to founders creating impactful businesses that improve the lives of Baltimore citizens. AWS GovTechStart will be a tremendous benefit to our cohort members and other GovTech startups by accelerating their ability to implement their solutions for the public sector. We all benefit when technology allows governments to function more effectively and efficiently,” said Deb Tillett, president and executive director, Baltimore ETC.

To learn more about AWS GovTechStart, visit