AWS Public Sector Blog

Campus on the Cloud: Join us at EDUCAUSE

The AWS Cloud impacts all corners of your campus and beyond. The cloud sparks education innovation by helping to reduce costs, improve service delivery, and increase student access to their education. Take a tour of how education uses AWS campus-wide, from classrooms to dorm rooms and beyond.

With so many connected devices around the world, you are probably already on the cloud – and your campus may be, too. AWS has over 7,000 education customers globally using the cloud to solve challenges they face including: disaster preparedness, scaling web applications during peak loads like enrollment or graduation, supporting faster time to research results, creation of a cloud-ready next generation workforce with AWS Educate, and improved student outcomes and persistence through learning analytics and big data.

This week, we are at EDUCAUSE in Anaheim, California showing how and where universities use the cloud every day! Visit the AWS booth to see examples, including how AWS gives students anywhere, anytime access to key learning tools with Amazon Workspaces and how AWS helps institutions make real-time decisions using Amazon QuickSight. Using QuickSight, a cloud-powered business intelligence service, institutions can integrate with AWS data services and perform ad-hoc analysis or build visualizations of key data, including learner analytics, financial aid information, or recruitment data.

Don’t miss our customers sharing their best practices and insights in sessions throughout the week.

  • Boldly Moving to the Cloud on a Quest for Service Excellence – Wednesday, October 26 from 10:30AM – 11:20AM featuring Mike Chapple and Ron Kraemer from Notre Dame. Notre Dame is halfway through a three-year journey to move 80% of their IT applications to the cloud. Join this session to hear their cloud story and share in the lessons learned about identifying cloud opportunities, understanding cloud economics, and preparing IT staff and the campus community for the cloud.
  • Cloud Adoption Strategies: Using the Cloud to Enable the Future University – Wednesday, October 26, 11:40AM – 12:30PM featuring Greg Smith and Mohammad Haque from University of Maryland University College (UMUC). At UMUC, they are looking to create operational efficiencies while increasing service levels to students, faculty, and staff. The story of their #cloudfirst journey touches on foundational technology, leveraging technology for a competitive advantage, and the human side of this transition.
  • Poster Session: Offering an Online, Project-Based Cloud Computing to Globally Distributed Carnegie Mellon Students – Thursday, October 27 – 12:30PM – 1:30PM featuring Majd Sakr from Carnegie Mellon University and Ken Einser from AWS. We will present our experience, best practices, and lessons learned in designing, deploying, and administering an online project-based course on cloud computing to Carnegie Mellon students at our Pittsburgh, Silicon Valley, Adelaide (Australia), and Rwanda (Africa) campuses. The course is 100% online with projects that are 100% on public clouds.
  • Building the Next Generation of University Infrastructure Services: Transitioning Enterprise Systems to a Cloud-First Approach – Thursday, October 27 from 12:30PM – 1:20PM featuring Mike Chapple from Notre Dame and Damian Doyle from UMBC. While most organizations make use of some cloud services, few have moved their most critical resources off-site. Concerns around data integrity and risk management can delay or halt cloud migration projects. This session will discuss how UMBC engaged the CISO and CIO and helped  campus leadership understand the importance of starting on a cloud migration strategy early.


AWS Public Sector Blog Team

AWS Public Sector Blog Team

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Sector Blog team writes for the government, education, and nonprofit sector around the globe. Learn more about AWS for the public sector by visiting our website (, or following us on Twitter (@AWS_gov, @AWS_edu, and @AWS_Nonprofits).