AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: PostgreSQL compatible

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University of Nebraska-Omaha’s ITD Lab migrates to Amazon Aurora with Babelfish, reducing database costs

The IT for Development (ITD) Lab at the University of Nebraska at Omaha previously migrated their ETeams application to Amazon Web Services (AWS) because they did not want to manage the underlying infrastructure. With a limited staff, they could focus more on building new functionality in the ETeams application and less on performing mundane maintenance tasks. While the application was performing well, the ITD Lab’s director wanted to lower the monthly costs. This blog post explores an alternative to an SQL Server database that is just as performant but at a lower cost.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS"

The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS

Healthcare authorities and providers use state-run controlled substance databases (CSDs) to track prescriptions and identify patients for substance abuse. CSDs help evaluate treatment options, screen patients who may be at risk for drug abuse problems, and make informed decisions about prescribing medication. This post explains how healthcare authorities can leverage CSD data to enhance their decision-making processes within business operations by using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

How to build smart cities with FIWARE Orion Context Broker and Cygnus on AWS

Several smart cities use FIWARE, an open source framework supporting the development of smart solutions. FIWARE leverages sensing data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, then collects, stores, and analyzes data with an API call. One FIWARE component, Orion Context Broker, gathers context information from diverse sources such as mobile apps, IoT devices, and social networking services, and manages the lifecycle of this context information, from registrations, updates, queries, and subscriptions. In this blog post, we address building Orion Context Broker on AWS. Learn how to deploy Orion Context Broker and Cygnus on AWS with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and Docker Compose quickly.