AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Enterprise Strategy

Islands of innovation: Creating smart and sustainable European marinas and ports

Ports and marinas are important catalysts for economic growth, tourism, and employment. Increasingly, they are also hubs for renewable energy and the blue economy. Islands can serve as test beds for transforming ports and marinas. Learn how some European islands are using cloud technology to create innovative new solutions to manage their ports and marinas.

How Government of Canada customers can use AWS to securely migrate data

How Government of Canada customers can use AWS to securely migrate data

Learn how AWS Snowcone and Amazon S3 can help Government of Canada (GC) organizations securely transfer and store their data, and how two GC organizations have already used these services to migrate data securely. Find out how these AWS services address data security, privacy, and compliance with regulatory requirements specific to GC customers.

4 steps to launching a successful data literacy program for public sector employees

Public sector agencies today require digital skills to deliver the functions citizens expect, and the innovations necessary to speed up processes and address gaps and inequity. However, digital transformation can only be achieved when workers have the data literacy skills to read, interpret, communicate, and reason with this data. Coursera, an AWS Training Partner, hosts their global online learning platform in AWS Cloud. Coursera has created a four-step framework for successfully building and managing a data literacy program. Learn how your organization can adopt this framework to empower your workforce to harness data more effectively.

AWS Industry Quest: Healthcare screenshot

New immersive cloud training to advance public sector healthcare and beyond

The AWS public sector and AWS Training and Certification (T&C) teams worked with customers and partners across Latin America, Canada, and Caribbean (LCC) region to develop and test the recently launched AWS Industry Quest: Healthcare, an interactive learning experience that teaches how to build cloud solutions that can benefit healthcare customers globally.

Guidance for academic medical center data center migrations

Guidance for academic medical center data center migrations

Academic medical centers (AMCs) are under pressure to reduce costs, innovate at scale, and improve operational performance. To do this, they’re turning to the cloud. But developing a request for proposal (RFP) for a data center migration to the cloud can be challenging for organizations who have not used cloud at scale yet. This blog post presents guidance for procurement practices that can be used when an AMC is looking to solicit cloud services for a data center migration separate from the integration services to perform the migration.

Using the cloud to integrate homelessness data with whole-person care services

Using the cloud to integrate homelessness data with whole-person care services

Without a safe place to sleep at night, it’s hard to focus on employment, staying healthy, raising a family — the building blocks of a good life. In communities across the country, organizations, philanthropists, and government are working hard to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring. In many cases, they’re using AWS to coordinate their response.

How Xavier University of Louisiana’s migration to AWS is creating a “technology renaissance”

In 2022, Xavier University of Louisiana (XULA) launched their journey to future-proofing with the cloud. Modernizing the university’s technology was a top priority to help improve the security of the university, improve business continuity, and solve the unique challenges of the university’s location. Working together with AWS and AWS Partners Strata Information Group and VMware, XULA migrated over 90 percent of its critical systems to the cloud, boosted its cybersecurity posture, and reduced IT costs.

EHR in the cloud: The elastic health record

Cloud technology provides an opportunity to think differently about the electronic health record (EHR) to provide continuous, superior patient care. A patient’s health is not static, and a health record system is not static. Healthcare leaders should consider shifting the underlying words of EHR from “electronic” to “elastic,” embracing a record that is always in motion. AWS can help support this elasticity.

How Virginia unleashed the power of data

There is power in data. Professors Monica Chiarini Tremblay and Rajiv Kohli at William & Mary’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business detail how Carlos Rivero, the former chief data officer of the Commonwealth of Virginia, created a foundation for data sharing in Virginia powered by multiple AWS solutions.

Developing a modern data-driven strategy in the public sector

Developing a modern data-driven strategy in the public sector

Public sector organizations across the globe want to harness the power of data to make better decisions by putting data at the center of every decision-making process. Data-driven decisions lead to more effective responses to unexpected events. For government organizations, a more detailed understanding of citizen ambitions and requirements creates a better citizen experience.