AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Programing Language

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Frugal architecture in action: The Urban Institute innovates with R and Serverless on AWS"

Frugal architecture in action: The Urban Institute innovates with R and Serverless on AWS

Nonprofit organizations are typically frugal and responsible. They strive to improve the human condition in innumerable ways, yet they cannot raise capital like a commercial organization, so they have to make the most of the resources they have. They apply that frugal approach to IT: they build and operate only what they need to pursue their mission, and constantly innovate both to meet mission objectives and optimize cost. Even with these constraints, nonprofits aspire to solve some of the world’s biggest problems, and often, they use innovative IT architectures on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to do it.

Scheduling satellite contact using AWS Ground Station and Python SDK

A new interactive AWS CLI tool expands the functionality of AWS Ground Station. You now have a simple way to schedule AWS Ground Station satellite contacts directly from your terminal. Learn more about how to use the CLI tool with scheduling, viewing, and canceling contacts to your satellite.

Dot net guy at computer

Five best practices for building .NET on AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) knows how to run .NET applications, and provides .NET developers with resources for building, testing, deploying, and running their .NET applications. Watch our on-demand webinars to learn about migrating and building serverless or container-based apps on AWS. For .NET developers new to AWS, it is important to know about the tools, […]