AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: AWS for Startups

Announcing nine startups selected to participate in the AWS Sustainable Cities Accelerator for Infrastructure

AWS announced the startups chosen to participate in the AWS Sustainable Cities Accelerator for Infrastructure. These startups are developing groundbreaking solutions to help cities address infrastructure-related sustainability challenges. Infrastructure, or the built environment, encompasses all aspects of our lives, and includes real estate, manufacturing, power, utility, and transportation systems. The nine startups in the cohort originate from four countries across North America, Latin America, and Europe, and represent a wide range of innovative sustainable solutions.

Pictured: Adam Glasofer, MD, global head of healthcare for public sector VC and startups at Amazon Web Services (AWS), announces the new AWS Healthcare Accelerator Global Cohort for Workforce Development at the HLTH 2022 event in Las Vegas, November 16, 2022.

AWS launches AWS Healthcare Accelerator Global Cohort for Workforce Development

Supporting and protecting the healthcare workforce is an essential investment in the continuity of health services. That’s why AWS is choosing to focus on training, retaining, and deploying healthcare workers with the launch of a new AWS Healthcare Accelerator. This is AWS’s first ever global healthcare cohort focused on workforce development.

The economic impact of AWS’s investment in Japan

At AWS, we are committed to supporting Japan’s digital transformation (DX) ambition by helping Japanese customers modernize IT and innovate securely at pace, driving sustainable economic growth. I’m humbled to share that since 2011, AWS has invested ¥1.35 trillion in total capital and operational expenditure associated with our two AWS infrastructure Regions in the country. Learn more about AWS’s economic impact in Japan, as well as how AWS supports Japan’s sustainability efforts, digital talent, security and sovereignty needs, and more.

How EdTechs use AWS to connect and engage the learning community

Education technology (EdTech) startups around the world use cloud technology to help facilitate beneficial community connections and make education more collaborative and engaging. Some of these EdTechs get started with the AWS EdStart program, a startup accelerator designed to help EdTech entrepreneurs build the next generation of online learning, analytics, campus management, and more on the AWS Cloud. Discover how four AWS EdStart Members use AWS to create more connected and engaging educational experiences for learners around the world.