AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Amazon DynamoDB

Connect Our Kids People Search system architecture

Finding kids in foster care permanent homes: AWS powers People Search by Connect Our Kids

Connect Our Kids, a Virginia-based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, is using technology to connect children in foster care with permanent homes with People Search. People Search is a free search engine powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it easier for social workers to find people connected to the child.

Serverless GPS monitoring system screengrab

Creating a serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution

To help solve a few challenges I faced with my family, including the need to track the location of a child, I needed a serverless global positioning system (GPS) monitoring solution. Commercial geographic monitoring GPS solutions are not cost-effective because of the cost of digital map licenses from third parties and running servers around the clock. Existing GPS systems work with proprietary GPS devices that lock-in the users’ vendors’ devices. My solution? Build my own serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution.

Bark leverages AWS to help keep schools safe

With the increased focus on school safety, now more than ever schools are using information technology solutions to address concerns about the digital and physical security of students and teachers. Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps enable innovative EdTechs to create revolutionary solutions to keep students safe from harm. Bark, an AWS EdStart Member, is an online student safety platform, with the mission to help keep every child safe online.

University of Nicosia in Cyprus turns to the cloud to better serve its students

The University of Nicosia (UNIC) is the largest university in Cyprus, and it is located in Nicosia, the capital. UNIC is a global university with more than 12,000 students from over 70 countries. Beyond Nicosia, UNIC has a presence in 18 additional cities across the globe. It’s the largest university in southern Europe that teaches primarily in English. To better serve its students, UNIC turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for reliability, cost savings, and innovation.

Grandma Emergency Button: A simple emergency alert solution with AWS IoT Button

My grandma is 88-years old with reduced mobility. She lives alone, without a caretaker, in a small village. If she falls, then she is in danger. If something goes wrong when she’s in bed, she might need assistance. With an AWS IoT button, she can call for help in a simple way and potentially save her life. Her village provides free Wi-Fi coverage, so I built an emergency alert system using AWS. When she clicks the AWS IoT button, a series of events will take place to get her the assistance she needs. This can help her in difficult situations. It’s a solution that others can create as well. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to get started.

AWS Educate and Amazon Future Engineer Teamed with CodeCombat to Create a New Game for the Hour of Code

As part of Amazon’s recently announced $10M grant to support, AWS Educate and Amazon Future Engineers have teamed with CodeCombat to create a new game that embeds Amazon DynamoDB that will be offered for free this year on during the Hour of Code – Game Development with DynamoDB. In this game, Amazon DynamoDB allows students to build code that records and displays their game scores.

Lessons Learned from Building and Testing a Data Ingest Workflow at Scale

Dean Kleissas, Research Engineer working on the IARPA MICrONS Project at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), discussed the project, what makes it unique, and how the team leverages serverless technology in this blog post. From the team’s experience with building and testing their ingest workflow at scale, Dean had some lessons learned […]