AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: government cloud

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Use Amazon SageMaker to perform data analytics in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service that provides various capabilities, including Jupyter Notebook instances. While RStudio, a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for R, is available as a managed service in Amazon Web Services (AWS) commercial Regions, it’s currently not offered in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Read this post, however, to learn how you can use SageMaker notebook instances with the R kernel to perform data analytics tasks in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

Congratulations to the 2019 Federal 100 Award Winners

Tonight’s Fed 100 gala marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Federal 100 awards. These awards recognize the important work that federal government and industry leaders are doing with the help of technology.

Congratulations to the 100 women and men recognized and a special shout out to these two cloud leaders who are playing a critical role in modernizing government: Kevin Smith, CIO, U.S. Census Bureau, and Richard “Rick” Jack, Distinguished C4ISR Software Engineer (SSTM), SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, U.S. Department of the Navy.